Squirtle, Pidgeot, and More “Genetic Apex” Cards Revealed from Pokemon TCG Pocket!

Water Pokémon Master

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I snapped photos of new Genetic Apex cards at Worlds! The cards appear in a 10-minute ad for Pokemon TCG Pocket. However, the ad plays right before people enter the Pokemon Center, so I think everyone missed it!






Be sure to check out my Genetic Apex guide here and...

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The Metapod art seems reused from Sun/Moon but the rest all look new. Although the Metapod has slightly different gameplay mechanics.

The others look new, but I hope these will show up in future IRL cards especially that Pidgeot.
Clefairy's art is from Hidden Fates but it was still Fairy back then. The weird Not Reprints aspect of Pocket throws me off... especially when they used the Parent Child Kangaskhan trophy card's art as a new card.
Great Pictures! At least they are going all in on the art for TCG Pocket. Maybe there could be multiple alternate arts for cards akin to Marvel Snap? That would be amazing if so, celebrating many artists would be cool too.
sadly seems like TCG pocket is probably going to be a dud (beyond the obvious "pokemon product will see some measure of success regardless of quality or merit" component that will prevent it from being an abject failure outright) given that there's no interesting gameplay to be found still. comparisons to things like yu-gi-oh duel links made in past articles feel especially misguided given the main elements that made duel links successful are nowhere to be found here beyond superficial comparisons like "they're both mobile apps".

yu-gi-oh duel links was not dumbed down yu-gi-oh, it was a curated card list from across all generations, refocused design and meta 'rules' that they maintained for quite a while with more mechanical depth added than it removes. if tcg pocket were aiming to "be" duel links in this sense, it would probably be an interesting outing worth paying attention to, but it clearly isn't and they're not really trying to hide it. tcg pocket is kind of just dumbed down pokemon tcg with some of the tcg's outsider pain points like energy cards and prize cards modified somehow, which would be novel and potentially interesting if it didn't also coincide with across the board generic, borderline ai generated card effects (or more often, utter lack thereof).
I'm excited to share Pocket with friends that don't avidly play PTCG. I think, if anything, this will respark an interest in Poke and perhaps bridge a gap to playing in paper!
Not NFTs. NFTs can be sold individually, these cannot be sold. Also if these are NFTs, then so is every digital card game with that logic
I’m sure people will be selling their rare cards (via trading them for commons in game) when trading is available.

And yes to your 2nd point, as long as in game trading is implemented. I guess this makes pokemon home/go the original pokemon NFTs?
I’m sure people will be selling their rare cards (via trading them for commons in game) when trading is available.

And yes to your 2nd point, as long as in game trading is implemented. I guess this makes pokemon home/go the original pokemon NFTs?
"NFT" does not mean "tradeable item in a video game"
Pokemon in the main series games would be NFTs in that case. People have sold (or at least try to sell) hacked shinies or 6 IV Pokemon online for years...