Dang I cant wait to be the pokemon trainer and use Charizard! And is it just me or does Charizard look more better in Super Smash Bro's Brawl than Pokemon Battle Revolution?
Anyway, I could see that happening. The alternate costume idea makes sense, and the idea of changing your character model based on the costume seems to make sense with other possible characters to. (i.e. the main character from Animal Crossing)
Assist Trophies Devil wow like what the aslo if there no clone char then I don't think there be more because they will be like amost the same but costum change I could see ash as one of the costom
The "new" tether thing?
This already existed in Melee, except as Z in the air, allowing you to use your Up+B after the tether was performed. Zero Suit's tether IS her Up+B, defeating much of the purpose to it.