SSBB [that is Super Smash Bros. Brawl btw]


Member of the Black Parade
so... the Smash Bros. website is being updated today... i can probably safely assume that all Wii owners are looking forward to this game... and those that dont have a Wii yet might decide that this game is worth getting one for :D btw... the website is just in case you didnt know... the main purpose of this thread was just to let people know about the update... and maybe generate a lil discussion... so... discuss if you wish :p
yea... well it should be sometime soon.. ive been checking it almost hourly XD and as far as new characters... im just gonna wait to find out... whether that be on the website or when i get the game... im not gonna speculate on it...
Having Pit will be nice...and the frantic, minigame lover, flatulentator will be there too...

dmaster out.
I want to get this game sooooooooooooo bad but I don't have a Wii yet and I am waiting for the price to go down some.:)
well you might be waiting a while for that ashy-boy.... sad i know but probably true... and just as far as an update goes the site has been updated as of this morning [that is in US time btw] its cool... there not a whole lot to it yet... but it says it will be updated with more stuff daily... i recommend listening to the music... its cool!
I'm pretty sure MetaKnight'll be on there (I think it's official..). So I can play MetaNite at a BR (probably not) and play MetaKnight on Brawl on the same day.


Arcanine out.
All I know is that the ice climers, Mr. Game and Watch, and young link are out. Also sonic team is looking in to brawl because they think it will make sonic games sll better secret ring dident do to good but I liked it. Anyways Bowser jr, Riley (main enemy for metroid beside mother brain), Wind Waker Link, and Mewtwo. Also capcom was thinking ofleting mega man go in to the smash bros series because mega man did start out on nintendo and they are relesing 3 new mega man games fo the DS and one for the Wii. The game is for wifi (sweet!) and there is a team battle mode for online whith the wifi. Also I think they should take out pichu I mean pikachu is my best charecter in melee but pichu we don't want weaker virsion of our favorite fighter we want Richu or Lucario! Anyways nintendo is saying that the game is due in november 07 and it comes whinth a special controller it looks like a gmae cube controller but you have to put your Wii remote in the middle of it so it can make a conection to the senser bar.
well all that stuff is cool and all... but how do you know about this stuff and how do you know its all legit? hmm???
they are saying that zero suit samus will not be a alternate person but it will be a transformation like zelda/shiek. mario to mario with a cape or fire flower power might also be a transformation
they are saying that zero suit samus will not be a alternate person but it will be a transformation like zelda/shiek. mario to mario with a cape or fire flower power might also be a transformation