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Stage 1 Rush


Miss the game
Pokemon (17):
3-3 Donphan
3-3 Yanmega
2-2 Zoroark
1 Cleffa

Energy (9):
3 Double Colorless
6 Fighting

Trainers (34):
4 Pokemon Collector
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Copycat
3 Judge
2 Professor Juniper
2 Switch
3 Pluspower
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Junk Arm
4 Catcher
2 Max Potion

Strategy: Swarm
You need more drawpower. i also recommend more Yanmega support.
I would do:
-1 DCE
-2 Zekrom
-1 fightning
+2 Professor Juniper
+3 Copycat.
Zekrom isnt that needed much. and these changes gives you more speed and yanmega support.
Thanks, but isnt 11 Supporters a little overboard? Also, do you think I should run a Reshiram because of the threat of Kingdra?

-2 Zekrom
+3 Copycat.
It isnt too much, i run my deck like that and i works, sometimes i even want more draw supporters. (Lost 1 round because i didnt draw into them)
Almost nobody runs Kingdra anymore, but if someone does in your meta, i would play it.
I run four Collector, four PONT, three Sage's, two Juniper, and one PokeGear in my deck and I still occasionally run into Supporter droughts. So no, 11 Supporters is not overkill (for a deck like this at least).