Stage 2 decks officially dead?

lol? Stage Two is better in a HGSS-on era than the current format. It doesn't have to worry about getting outsped by SP. Sure, the Rare Candy rule kinda sucks, but speed is a little bit less important in HGSS-on. I'm pretty sure our evolving-twice buddies will stay around for a while.
my future deck for the nxt format is donphan prime
if the nxt format is hgss-on
then bebe will out the prof. elm will be the being used a lot?
how about kingdra prime will it still be good nxt format?
BTW if BlastGatr will be popular sucks i sell all my Blastoise UL
terrorblade said:
my future deck for the nxt format is donphan prime
if the nxt format is hgss-on
then bebe will out the prof. elm will be the being used a lot?
how about kingdra prime will it still be good nxt format?
BTW if BlastGatr will be popular sucks i sell all my Blastoise UL
What are you talking about?
When Bebe's rotates out then Prof Elm will indeed take its place. It may not have the flexibility like Bebe's Search, but being albe to search out evolved pokemon you need is a valued asset to any deck plus we still have Pokemon Communication.

Kindgra may see play next format, it depends on whether Donphan becomes as big as people say it will be. The only problem i see with Kingdra prime is the fact that its attack does much less damage against {R} pokemon, meaning you're going to have to run the UL Kindgra to counteract it, but that would mean adding DCE to surport it.
if you're running blastigatr, you'll be running DCE anyways. I could see kingdra as a tech to replace crobat G mostly.

also, you can get the evo packs that come with a rotom holo blastoise at like target or walmart for $5. They come with a booster pack so it's worth it if you don't have any blastoise left.
This is the high point for stage 2 decks. If they really do the rotation, it will take the same amount of time to evolve a stage 1 as it will be for a stage 2. What stage 2 decks were playable in the past? Besides Machamp (which was barely playable), it was really only Vilegar and Magnezone. Stage 2 decks are about to take over the format once again.
I am still planning on running a stage 1/2 combo deck after rotation. I am running a Crobat prime /Vileplume deck with a Hypno tech. I'm also going to run an Ampharos prime/ Electivire Energy Buster Deck. I have already tested them using Elm and Collecter and Candy. They work just fine. however I can see stage ones becoming more popular since people got kinda spoiled by SP decks...we got to this point where fast donk automatically = GOOD. I disagree but people will always run fast I think. I love my Stage 2s and I think going back to these rules will be good for the game in general.
Ambipom is in I missing something? Or do you mean Aipom from Triumphant? lolz.

Lost Remover will be excellent against decks that take advantage of DCE for speed.

dmaster out.
the tm one. It has tailcode right? Or does it have astonish? Even so, astonish is nuts. So is dragonair's search attack. It will be interesting.
What about Krookodile? It's Stage two and a Fighting type. Its okay I guess, but in an HGSS format it may see some play.
There's been alot of talk about BlastiGatr but one of my friends told me that it won't be that safe to play due to the popularity of Zekrom decks in the format. Then again it does help the matchup against ReshiBoar, and Donphan Prime...
There's been alot of talk about BlastiGatr but one of my friends told me that it won't be that safe to play due to the popularity of Zekrom decks in the format.
In the current format I have played my own Blastoise (it uses Floatzel UL instead of Feraligatr) against Luxchomp a few times.
It wins about 70% of the time (even though Floatzel is easy Rush bait, I get set up faster).

Just because Blastoise is weak to Electric does not mean that it'll be used less.
yeah. it just means that electrics will be alot more present in this format. at least initially. I'm personally running an all electric, but not because I want to kill blastoise. just cuz it's a fun deck.
I would probably go Samurott/Floatzel or Samurott/Feraligatr over BlastiGatr in that case. Samurott gets around Umbreon but it has more synergy with Feraligatr Prime than Floatzel and it doesn't have Wash Out to transfer {W} from the bench to the Active.
^Floatzel can only be run with Blastoise; it doesn't work very well when run with other things. When it comes to Blastoise, you can run either Gater Prime or Floatzel; Gater Prime is slightly better for recovery, but Floatzel is slightly faster. (The Stage 2 with 3 retreat vs Stage 1 with no retreat is also a factor.) As a matter of preference I run Floatzel but either works with Blastoise.
Stage 2 is back!! Bye Bye SP! Stage 1 or Stage 2 ready to go on turn 2! Get your energy ready...bye donks, and thanks POP
DNA said:
^Floatzel can only be run with Blastoise; it doesn't work very well when run with other things. When it comes to Blastoise, you can run either Gater Prime or Floatzel; Gater Prime is slightly better for recovery, but Floatzel is slightly faster. (The Stage 2 with 3 retreat vs Stage 1 with no retreat is also a factor.) As a matter of preference I run Floatzel but either works with Blastoise.

Feraligatr Prime's weakness to {G} does give it an advantage against Zekrom compared to Floatzel's {L} weakness. Either way you look at it most of BlastiGatr's losses for next season and this one will be from Zekrom and LuxChomp.

Unless If Donphan Prime is ran as a tech against Zekrom in BlastiGatr then I could see it having greater potential against it and not just it's type advantage matchup against ReshiBoar and Donphan either. I think BlastiGatr is really looking to be a solid contender for HGSS-On.