Stalling Abusers

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Team Dimensional Sniper
If there is one thing that I am good at its using Stall Teams. So I decided to post one of my most succesful teams thus far. It has been effective against LegendaryRockMaster who has a nich in Sandstorm Teams. Now without further ado I present Team Stalling Abusers.


Heatran: M-Air Balloon
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Modest +Sp. Atk/-ATK
EV's: 4 DEF/252 Sp. Atk/252 Spd
~Fire Blast
~Earth Power
~HP Ice/Dragon Pulse
~Stealth Rock

Since Aerodactyl is to frail for its old job I replaced it with a pokemon with a bit more use. Heatran has the ability to set-up Stealth Rock and go on the offensive as well. Fire Blast is its main STAB attack and thanks to Flash Fire it can take some of the heat from Fire attacks that are directed at Scizor, Magnezone and Ferrothorn. Earth Power can be used to cripple pokemon like Bisharp and Tyranitar if they don't have a Air Balloo and HP Ice or Dragon Pulse can be used to deal with Dragonite and Haxorous. Even Salamence won't be a problem once taken down by HP Ice.

Heatrans weakness to Water and Fighting when holding an Air Balloon can be over looked when combined with Jellicent who can absorb the Water attacks and is immune to Fighting attacks. Ferrothorn is also a great partner since it is strong against Ground and Water-types. This allows for Heatran to come in again later on to provide coverage to it when a Fire-type is able to scortch it.


Scrafty: M-Leftovers
Ability: Shed Skin
Nature: Careful +Sp. Def/-Sp. Atk
EV's: 252 HP/ 4 ATK/ 252 Sp. Def
~Bulk Up
~Drain Punch
~Fire Punch/Crunch
~ThunderPunch/Ice Punch

This particular Scrafty is one that me and LRM had spent a few weeks trying to figure out and had finally got it finished. Bulk Up Scrafty provides great coverage and holds a good deal of defence to be a useful buffer. The EV investment is ment for Bulk and allows Scrafty to endure a great deal of damage then heal it away with its STAB Drain Punch. Fire Punch and ThunderPunch can be swaped out for several different moves includding Stone Edge, Crunch and Ice Punch. Though Fire Punch holds priority to counter Ferrothorn and Scizor while ThunderPunch holds priority to counter Jellicent and non-bulky non-ground water-types.

The only draw back is the fact Scrafty suffers to fall victimn to Taunt and easily paced by faster pokemon. While it may look as bait it is more of a threat if not dealt with before it can get in 2 Bulk Ups. Ferrothorn, Scizor, Jellicent and Magnezone prove to be effective partners since they can set-up for it so it can do it's job.


Scizor: M-Leftovers
Ability: Technician
Nature: Adamant +ATK/-DEF
EV's: 252 HP/40 ATK/216 Sp. Def
~Swords Dance
~Bullet Punch
~Bug Bite

Since I have gotten some good suggestions to the team I decided to use them. Since Swords Dance Scizor with Bug Bite and Bullet Punch packs a great punch that can deal high damage it can also be used to cripple Gengar. Tyranitar won't be so tough either once it gets nailed by a Technician boosted Bullet Punch or Bug Bite. Roost provides a healing move while Bullet Punch provides a STAB that gets boosted by Technician.

Fire attacks can quickly take out Scizor and a Magnezone holding Magnet Pull and HP Fire is the biggest threat. Magnezone and Scrafty can counter this if the can get switched out before Scizor gets trapped.


Jellicent: M-Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
Nature: Bold +DEF/-ATK
EV's: 248 HP/216 DEF/44 Spd
~Shadow Ball/Taunt

While a bulkier Ghost-type would have been a better pick I have found Jellicent to be a much better option since it has a great typeing and has access to a non-sleep HP recovering move. Scald provides STAB against Fire, Ground and Rock-types while Shadow Ball holds STAB on Ghost and Psychic. Recover allows for HP recovery and when combined with Water Absorb and Leftovers Jellicent has some great bulk. Another nice niche is that it can also be a great buffer to Steel, Fire, Water, Ice, Bug, Poison, Fighting and Normal-types and can be an effective spin blocker.The investment into the Speed allows for the out pacing of slower Jellicent and when combined with Taunt it makes a great crippler. Will-o-Wisp when combined with Scald makes for a great Burn combination.
Jellicent itself is weak to Dark, Ghost, Electric and Grass attacks. Gengar who has held OU for it being fast and holding high Sp. Atk could OHKO if not 2HKO Jellicent with Shadow Ball and that depends on if it's Scarfed or Specs. Scrafty can counter Gengar and provide Jellicent with coverage to its counters and checks.


Magnezone: ?-Air Balloon
Ability: Magnet Pull
Nature: Timid +Spd/-ATK
EV's: 4 HP/ 252 Sp. Atk/ 252 Spd
~Flash Cannon
~HP Fire
~Volt Switch/Substitute

Thanks to the addition of a new retreating move Magnezone no longer has to suffer from pick of a worthwhile hold item. Air Balloon provides great protection from Ground-type attacks and makes it able to stay around longer. Discharge was picked over Thunderbolt for the fact it has a 30% chance of paralyzing the target and it has STAB against non-bulky non-ground water-types. Flash Cannon also holds STAB against the likes of Tyranitar and does decent neutral damage. HP Fire can handle the likes of Scizor and Ferrothorn while Volt Switch allows for scouting and providing STAB. Substitute is also another optional attack that allows Magnezone some protection from attacks and lets for a couple attacks at the same time, a great combo when used with Discharge.

Magnezone can be dealt with by powerful Fire or Fighting attacks. After it's Air Balloon pops then it can be OHKOed by Ground-type moves. Ferrothorn and Scizor take neutral damage from these attacks and Jellicent can counter there users.


Ferrothorn: M-Leftovers
Ability: Iron Barbs
Nature: Sassy +Sp. Def/-Spd
IV's: 0 Spd
EV's: 252 HP/ 48 DEF/ 208 Sp. Def
~Leech Seed
~Gyro Ball
~Power Whip

With Ferrothorn being able to use its access to moves like Spikes and Leech Seed, Ferrothorn provides effective coverage against Water, Grass, Dark, Psychic and many other types. After layering Spikes a coulpe times Leech Seed can then be used to syphon health from the seeded pokemon and can also be used to heal the other pokemon on the team. With the Sassy nature and 0 IV's in Spd, Ferrothorn's Spd reaches a low of 40 which allows the already potent STAB Gyro Ball to hit even harder. Power Whip also provides STAB and deals heavy edged damage to bulky water-types that have taken Spikes and Stealth Rock damage already. Curse is also an option since it can boost Ferrothorns ATK and DEF while lowering its Spd even more. This allows Ferrothorn to have more Physical Bulk and let its already powerful Gyro Ball hit even harder while it endures powerful physical attacks without so much as getting a scratch.

Being so slow makes Ferrothorn a sitting duck that could be OHKOed by powerful Specail base Fire attacks like Fire Blast and Overheat. Jellicent can counter these types and help protect Ferrothorn from it's counters. This provides Ferrothorn with breathing room and lets it stick around to keep hammering away with Leech Seed, Gyro Ball and Power Whip.

*Note* All Edits are in BOLD.

On Scrafty, I'd suggest Crunch and Ice Punch over Fire/Thunder punch. They give you better type coverage in general. Crunch lets you hit stuff like Reuniclus and Gengar, Ice Punch lets you hit Gliscor and Dragonite. Without Ice Punch, Gliscor and Dragonite will wall you completely. Fire Punch isn't really needed since Drain Punch hits all the steels super-effectively anyways, save for Scizor and Skarmory, but Scrafty shouldn't stay in on them anyways, even with fire punch.

I would run Substitute over Volt Switch on Magnezone. Volt Switch is used to scout things and switch out. Anything that switches into Magnezone is generally immune to Volt Switch (such as Gliscor). Substitute can be freely set up on things like Scizor or Ferrothorn, and you basically get a free hit on whatever comes in next. With Discharge's 30% paralysis rate, that's a pretty big plus, since you're guranteed at least one chance at it.
You won't want to run Aerodactyl. With the team preview, leads are outdated, not to mention that you'd be better off with something that can survive and contribute more to your team.
Considering I need Stealth Rock to deal with Flying and Levitating pokemon it's my best abuser for speed. Not to mention with Earthquake and Stone Edge I have at least some chances of dishing out heavy edged damage.

*Edit* I was thinking of running my old Gliscor Blue Demon but considering I have no idea what to run with it I could use some help.
Okay, first off you EVs are completely flawed and do not give more bulk than you think. For example, here is a CB 252 Atk Haxorus's Outrage to your Ferrothorn:

39.5% - 46.4%

Now here is the same scenerio, but this time Ferrothorn has 252 HP / 48 Def / 208 Sp. Def EVs with a Sassy nature:

38.4% - 45.2%

Not only do you have slightly more physical bulk, but you also have more special bulk.

Next up is Scizor. I strongly suggest dropping that scizor for SD Scizor. Your Scizor set gets walled easily, is taunt bait, and has nothing to pass the speed to (only thing that comes to mind is Scrafty, who still isn't fast even at +2, and Magnezone, who already outspeeds most of the threats it needs to eliminate.) Here's the set:

Scizor (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 40 Atk / 216 SDef
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite
- Roost

Aerodactyl isn't a good Pokemon this gen, not only because Ferrothorn exists and Gliscor got a huge buff this gen, but also because there's no such thing as a lead this generation. Aerodactyl is largely outclassed in terms of setting up SR by Pokemon such as Tyranitar, Ferrothorn, Heatran, and Jirachi, all of which can set up SR over the course of the match and set them back up if they go down. I strongly suggest dropping Aerodactyl for Heatran. Not only can he set up SR reliably, but he also adds an extra Fire-resist, something this team drastically needs.

Heatran (M) @ Air Balloon
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Fire Blast
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Stealth Rock

You need more Fighting-type resists, as 4/6 of the team (counting Heatran) is weak to it. Jellicent being immune to it doesn't help any.

Speaking of Jellicent, Toxic and Scald are rather silly ideas on the same set. It just means you lose to physical Pokemon everyday of the week if you don't score that burn, which can possibly not happen until another three turns. Instead, use Will-o-Wisp. While it might seem even more silly to have two moves that burn the opponent, it actually prevents Fire-types from coming in to absorb the WoW, and can nail an unlucky switch-in. Shadow Ball hits ... other Jellicent? That's all, so there's really no point in running it. Replace Shadow Ball with Taunt to stop a boosting sweeper dead in its tracks. Also, use a EV spread of 248 HP / 216 Def / 44 Spe, which increases its rather weaker Def stat to greater levels, and the Speed EVs let you outspace Scizor.
While I like that idea DE did recomind that Recover be used on Jellecent on LRMs team so it can abuse Toxic. I could drop Scald for Surf for Extra power and run Will-O-Wisp if needed but I need Shadow Ball to counter other Ghosts. However if I can replace Recover with a move like Shadow Ball that may not be a problem. Hex would be a better idea though since it doubles in damage if the pokemon being attacked is poisoned, burned, paralyzed, asleep or frozen.

I think Gliscor may be helpfull here since its a Flying type and immune to Ground attacks. But I think another ghost might work as well. Even a Psychic type would be of use here as well.

*Edit* I will finish editing this later when I get the chance to check out more information on how this will flow. Also can we please consider Gliscor for Fighting coverage?
I think gliscor would be a great addition to your team as you have two double weaks to ground and four weaks to fighting. I would replace Scizor with Gliscor because it would fit the stall type team your using.
Don't use Curse on Ferrothorn. Even though it has prominent Attack strength, you should primarily use it to wall and set up hazards. Also, using Thunder Wave over Power Whip/Gyro ball can also be considered, since you can slow down faster threats that can switch in on Ferro, giving you free set up or just giving you a simple advantage of speed. On Scrafty, all the elemental punches you have are pretty much wasted, since those are usually reserved for Revenge killers. Try Bulk Up / Drain Punch / Crunch / Rest. With Shed Skin, Scrafty can get pretty much instant recovery, and he gets non-resisted coverage with Crunch and Drain Punch. After a couple Bulk Ups, he's very tough to take down. The rest looks pretty good, although if your Heatran or Jellicent goes down, Sun Teams will run all over you, since you have three Pokemon weak to fire and one neutral to it. Growth Venusaur could really do a number on this team, so play Heatran conservatively. All in all, it's an okay team, but isn't really stall going by the definition, having only 2 pure defensive Pokemon, and even then, you're considering offensive sets on them. Take everyone's suggestions to heart, and good luck with the team.
I had this crazy idea and I want to throw it out there. Would either Choice Latias or Rest-Talk Latias be effective here since it handles the Fire and Fighting problem?
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