I'm planning to build a Zygarde GX/Buzzwole GX deck when Forbidden light is released. This will be the first Fighting deck I've played, and I want it to stand up to other competitive Fighting decks out there (Buzzroc, Zororoc, Buzzgarb, etc). I'm working on a temporary decklist, and I've been running into some issues, mainly how much of "x" card to run, which items/supporters are more necessary than others. I'll be posting my specific questions below. Hopefully I'll have a better idea how to create this deck after some feedback, thanks in advance! 
-Energy ratio (basic fighting/dce/strong)
-How many Zygarde GX and Buzzwole GX would you run? (I was thinking 3 of each, or 4 Zygarde 3 Buzz)
-Why run a 2-2 Octillery line? I've asked other players and so far no one's given me a straight answer
- Is Carbink/Carbink BREAK a viable option?
-Would you rather run Choice Band or Fighting Fury Belt?
-Brigette vs. Brooklet Hill
-Energy ratio (basic fighting/dce/strong)
-How many Zygarde GX and Buzzwole GX would you run? (I was thinking 3 of each, or 4 Zygarde 3 Buzz)
-Why run a 2-2 Octillery line? I've asked other players and so far no one's given me a straight answer
- Is Carbink/Carbink BREAK a viable option?
-Would you rather run Choice Band or Fighting Fury Belt?
-Brigette vs. Brooklet Hill