BW/BW2 Starter Evolutions confirmation.

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now that they are out i can say that i longer think tsutaarja is the best of them all. his final form's has medium-high defenses, and medium-low offenses and high speed, nothing special. while the other two have pretty good stats. my new favorite is now the one i used to hate: mijumaru. his first from may be derpy and lame, but his final forme more than makes up for it. i didnt like pokabu's evo cuz i thought it was ugly and has an overused type combo for fire starters, but now that i see his real sprite-art and his stats, i now like him more than my former favorite. i guess the main reson i dislike tsutaarja's final form is because i had high hopes/expectations for him and now i feel dissapointed that he wasnt some grass/dragon or grass/dark or grass/flying with BA special attack and speed
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