It was midnight. A Janovy sentry patrolled the walls of the Raijan tribe's fort. It was a crisp, clear, starless night. The moon shone clear above. He was watching its luminescent beauty, when suddenly something flew across it, blotting it out. He shrugged, and returned to the portcullis, waiting to be relieved. Then, he saw something. Huge and hulking, a colossal shadowy being came screaming trough the canopy, and burst into flames. He screamed, and tried to run, but the thing sent a blast of fire at him, incinerating him as he stood. It roared triumphantly, and swatted the gate down as if it were not there. Then, the monster strode into the tribbe, and unleashed flaming hell.
"Reshiram!" came the scream from the Snivy that woke them. "Run for your lives!"