Finished Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (Over, Waiting for Confirmation on Part 4)

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RE: Starter RPG - That's right, remember this?

Chompy, being a water type, rushed towards the water as well.
RE: Starter RPG - That's right, remember this?

"Well, I guess I can trust you...just a little bit."
RE: Starter RPG - That's right, remember this?

Pyro, the paranoid little Cyndaquil he is belived the totodile behind him wanted to hurt him!
To get further away from the totodile, he uses flame wheel to increase his speed.
RE: Starter RPG - That's right, remember this?

"Some sort of magnet in the water tells me where it is. That's what it feels
like anyway."
Muddy said as he walked along the hot packed sand.
RE: Starter RPG - That's right, remember this?

*Crawls to Muddy*
"Sorry I haven't been here. I've been on vacation."
"I needed that."
RE: Starter RPG - That's right, remember this?

Muddy looks at him strangely.
"Um, right."
RE: Starter RPG - That's right, remember this?

Totodile, seing the only friendly face running away, decided to use Water Jet (whatever the name is, it's the water version of Quick Attack) and follow at high speeds.
RE: Starter RPG - That's right, remember this?

Pyro spotted the watering hole and sped up his Flame Wheel

(Shoyru1444: Its Aqua Jet, good guess.)
RE: Starter RPG - That's right, remember this?

Ooc: It's spelled watering.

In: Totodile also speed up.

Ooc: Jeez, stop it... It's a game of copycat.
RE: Starter RPG - That's right, remember this?

(Sorry, was typing to fast...)

Pyro stopped and had a look at the watering hole, it wasn't much but it still was one!
"Yay!" Pyro squealed as he started drinking the water
RE: Starter RPG - That's right, remember this?

Totodile exclaimed in excitement. He jumped straight into the water without thinking about Totodile, splashing him with a little water.
RE: Starter RPG - That's right, remember this?

OOC: Sorry Ive been gone, I have a fever.

IC:"Look! Water! Finally!"
RE: Starter RPG - That's right, remember this?

nabby, is it too late for me to join? (Not the same character, in fact, nothing like it =P)
RE: Starter RPG - That's right, remember this?

Pokemon: Squirtle
Name: Shelly
Appearance: Wears sunglasses (Go squirtle squad!) :cool: and a gangsta hat, (backwards ofcourse!)
Personality (at least 2 lines): He's a calm, easy-going squirtle, he doesn't mind getting defeated in battle, he loves to socialize with people and make new friends, he's like that new kid in school, that at first everybody thinks he's weird, but then he's like the cool kid.
Other: He is a male, and his parents died from a murdering of Arceus...
RE: Starter RPG - That's right, remember this?

^ I guess I'll go ahead and post mine, then... (you'll have to have been in the original Starter RPG to understand some of this)

Pokemon: Chikorita
Name: Blade
Appearance: A shiny Chikorita that has a leaf shaped like a crescent moon, rather than the normal shape
Personality: Very independent. He prefers to be left alone, since his father was found by Arceus not long after Blade was born. He is easily angered and hates to lose. Despite this, he will defend those who he does befriend with his life.
Other: Blade's father was the last of Squirt's kind. Squirt was found and killed by Arceus not long after the previous Starter RPG. Blade, though, has no powers other than a large amount of endurance. He has also learned some techniques that Squirt taught him (including a grass equivalent of Hydrobloom, for any that remember that).
RE: Starter RPG - That's right, remember this?

"AH!" Pyro jumped out the water and sat at the edge, "Are you trying to KILL ME?!"
Pyro suddenly turned to see three silhoettes on the horizon, Pyro stood back a little bit...
RE: Starter RPG - That's right, remember this?

OOC: Hydrobloom ftw!!! Good times...
Both accepted.

IC: Muddy looks over at where Ashka is pointing. He stared at it closely.
"That might be... Never mind."
Muddy walked over to the water and drank from it.
RE: Starter RPG - That's right, remember this?

Pyro ran to where the silhouettes were standing and saw nearby a mudkip and a torchic...
Pyro couldn't stop looking at the mudkip and torchic, especially the torchic...he didn't know why...
RE: Starter RPG - That's right, remember this?

Ooc:Can somebody please PM me or tell me what the story is about? I don't get it.

Shelly quickly rapid spins to the nearest place of water, finding 2 silhouettes of pokemon, he drinks as much water as he could, ignoring the 2 pokemon, after Shelly finishes hydrating, he seems to feel a weird presence going by, and a vision of a weird pokemon he never knew, it was a huge bird, going underwater...Shelly snaps out of the daydream, he then surprises the 2 pokemon...

"HEY GUYS,how'd you end up here?" he says... :cool:
RE: Starter RPG - That's right, remember this?

OOC: tempature is at 108 degrees now (F, not C). I just LOVE high fevers....

IC: Ashka looked at the wierd Squirtle who was hogging all the water. She felt like someone was staring at her, she turned to see a Chikorite in the distance doing the very thing she expected.
"What? Are you thirsty or something? Get some water over here or at least stop staring at me..." she yelled at the Chikorita
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