Finished Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (Over, Waiting for Confirmation on Part 4)

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RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Started but still accepting

"You don't seem like the trusting type."
Muddy fired another Hydro Pump, but the creature blocked all the attacks with 1 hyper beam. It then used Flash.
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Started but still accepting

"Well sorry that I am not CEO of Alien Friendly Corparations!"
*uses Ember again*
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Started but still accepting

"Negocksan?" Blu looked at Muddy, "You're a Negocksan?!"
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Started but still accepting

"And of course the Satan's Aprrentice knows what he is...of course!"
*uses Ember again*
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Started but still accepting

"Yes Blu. Negocksan."
The devil used an attack that was like dark pulse, but covered everything around him. Muddy was thrown backwards, cursing.
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Started but still accepting

*gets thrown back and crashes into a tree, slowly turning back into a Torchic*
What am I suposed to do with a broken foot?!
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Started but still accepting

"Turn into a Blissey! Heal yourself, quickly!"
Muddy slowly picked himself up.
"Stay down fool!" the devil roared. Muddy shook his head and Fred two hyper beams in quick succession.
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Started but still accepting

*turns into a Blissey and heals herself*
maybe this shapeshifting isn't too useless...
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Started but still accepting

Muddy grinned weakly at Blu as the devil yet again blocked the attacks.
"They were. I'm sort of... A clone. Which is why I have extra powers. It's... Complicated."
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Started but still accepting

"A clone Negocksan? That explains alot actually!"
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Started but still accepting

"Unfortunately, yes. Now, enough playing around."
Muddy closed his eyes and channeled all the energy of the Pokemon around him. When his eyes open they were blazing red.
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Started but still accepting

Blu's pupils returned and Pyro awoke, "What the? Whats happening?"
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Started but still accepting

Oh boy...he's about to shoot the E.T Go Home missle....
*turns into Pidgeotto so that she can fly out of the way of Nabbies attack*
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Started but still accepting

Pyro looks around worried, clueless about whats going on...
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Started but still accepting

Muddy's voice was low and loud.
"Get out of the way. Now!"
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Started but still accepting

Oh come on!
*swings down and grabs Pyro with her beak and flies out of the way*
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Started but still accepting

"Sto whinin'!" *she managed to mumble through her beak*
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