Starting out and new to the game



Hello, my name is Yanmegabeast and im trying to get into the pokemon TCG. I am not new to TCG's as I have played Yu-Gi-Oh for the past couple years, but it is starting to get old and dull. I have been studying the game and Watching the internet show "Prof-it" since the Seyb-lock format so i have a desient understanding of the game. I was wondering if anyone could help me with the following questions:

-Whats a good way to get some cards. Curently all i have is a Zekrom and 2 Cleffa (which I only got because i knew they were good) I mean i know that im going to have to buy packs, but what packs should i buy and should i buy structure decks or not.

-A way to find a locals near me so i can practice and play in some real tournies.

- Just some overall advice to help with the comming packs and how the game is overall.

Thank you for reading and answering if you do! :)
First, I would buy packs. The theme decks aren't good, but you can buy them if you need energies or something. On, there is a league finder under play pokemon. Just input where you live and it'll find things for you. Third, prof-it is a great show to find out what's coming, and just look at some of the thread on this site and you'll gain knowledge pretty quick. Lastly, welcome to pokebeach! :D
Welcome to the game! I'm pretty new to it myself, though I'd played it in the past.
I'd recommend buying packs and then, once you've decided what deck you want to play in particular, I'd seek out the necessary cards as singles. Theme decks are good for getting plenty of energies and there are a few that have useful cards in them. Just be sure to check out what's in them before you buy them! Good luck to you!
I don not know if all you have is a Zekrom and 2 cleffa if I would buy packs. If you really just want to get into the competitive game I would just buy singles. The cheapest and one of the best decks is Typhlosion Prime/Reshiram/Ninetales. For this deck you can get two theme decks from call of legends for the ninetales line and the energy you need as well as some key trainer staples. then buy the singles of the rest of the deck. this will save you a lot of money in the long run. I would only buy packs if you really just want trade bait because most often you will just get junk you will not want to play with.
I would buy mainly (as of right now) Triumphant (because it has the best primes and primes=good trades) then in november i would buy a whole poop load of red collection because sooo many awesome cards are comming out. I would probly buy a starter deck of the typle of your choice to get energy cards. And try to trade for some staple cards (pokemon collector x4 communicationx4 catcherx4, profesor oaks new theory x4 and profesor juniper x4) and then you can probly work off that.--Oh but if you got alot of money you could also get some unleashed and/or some regular Heart gold soul silver for some of the staple cards. DONT BUY CALL OF LEDGENDS OR UNDAUNTED. and dont buy much or at all of Black n White and emerging powers.
Is he wants to make a reshiphlosion deck, he needs bw. Also, bw has reuniclus, juniper, and some other good cards. I agree with not buying call of legneds. I would buy a few packs of undaunted, but not much
If you want trade-bait, I'd get Triumphant because its Primes are worth a lot. If you want staples or good deck foundations, I'd get HSS (PONT, Collector, Donphan Prime, Communication) or BW (Juniper, Reshiram, Zekrom, Reuniclus, Communication, Zoroark, the list goes on).
pokemonjoe said:
Is he wants to make a reshiphlosion deck, he needs bw. Also, bw has reuniclus, juniper, and some other good cards. I agree with not buying call of legneds. I would buy a few packs of undaunted, but not much
I agree, Undaunted is actually pretty good and no way near as useless as CoL.