starting the game


Aspiring Trainer
me and sum friends are considering starting up pokemon agian.what decks are good rite now?what sets are legal?and what are the hot sets?what cards are good?what are the staples?
1.Read the thread below..
2. The sets that are legal: EX Deoxys to EX Power Keepers...
3. Currently I have no idea what are the hot sets because there are so many sets out in there....
4. There are quite a lot of good cards(ex: most of the cards in Ex Dragon Frontiers)
5. Huh?? I don't get it.. Sorry... :)

P.S. I answer your questions in order...
Psychic Pokemon Master said:
1.Read the thread below..
2. The sets that are legal: EX Deoxys to EX Power Keepers...
3. Currently I have no idea what are the hot sets...
4. There are quite a lot of good cards(ex: most of the cards in Ex Dragon Frontiers)
5. Huh?? I don't get it.. Sorry... :)

P.S. I answer your questions in order...

thanks and staples are like cards that are in every deck if any cards are like that in this game
HOlon engine, othere engines... HOlon's CAstforms, other stuff... energies XD. Look up Staples in the TItles area and there was a thread about it. Don't say anything or else you'll have a negative start and we don't want that.