State of States: An article on the upcoming meta.

@ Deoxyschomp: Thanks for catching that error! I will put edit that. I was talking about the prime, if that clears up any confusion, but I'll still edit it quick to see.

@ Hypno: That means a lot! When I set out to write this, I knew I wanted to help people. If that means helping your son getting educated, then that works just fine :). Hope both of you do well!

@ Kamz: Personally, I never used Staraptor, but that is because I had Uxie X. If you do not though, Staraptor makes for a great replacement. As for Palkia lock, I personally don't see it as a deck that can survive in the meta, with all this Lostgar and Luxray running around. You lose because of weakness, its attacks are expensive, and using the power only hurts yourself in the long haul.

@ COLTSFAN: I agree with Gigas being a good deck, I just didn't want to even attempt to hurt my brain in trying to make the list. I understand it is good, but probably not the first deck a new player would consider using at a states, unless they have plenty of experience with it.

@ Thefleee: Thanks, much appreciated!

@ Porygon-X: Thanks, much appreciated!

To everyone else: Thank you for reading it, and sharing your comments. Please keep commenting and recommending this to friends! I want all this information passed around!
Thats amazing! Reminds me of 6Prizes Underground. You should be a writer there.

Why {F} energy in Gyarados?
This is pure awesomness. Kudos, sir.

I'll probably either play Sablelock or DialgaChomp - both some pretty strong plays. But I liked reading the lists and the analaysis on the decks. Pretty cool.
Great article! Personally I don't have the economy to invest in any of these top tier-decks, meaning I'll have to go rogue... Scizor Prime is the solution;) Great matchup against Vilegar, and with my Umbreon-tech, I believe it fares well against LostGar too, but that's a bit early to conclude with...
@ Barkjon: Thanks for the compliments! Yeah, I actually prefer Dialgachomp over Sablelock, but both are still great plays. Make sure you practice the Sablelock V Lostgar match up, as it is a lot harder than one would think.

@ ATS: Actually, believe it or not, Vilegar and Gyarados are fairly cheap decks to make. Spiritombs, Uxies, and Azelfs are league promos, while Twins, Gastlys, and Haunters are in the most recent set. Vileplume are also in the newer sets, so Vilegar will be fairly cheap to make. But going rogue works out just fine as well. With Scizor, be careful with Blazikens, as they can do major damage. Umbreon is a great tech though, and one that very few pokemon can hit.
@ Thedrone1man I run a 1-0-1 Machamp line to counter Blaziken and sp in general. This of course is horrible if Blaze X is used as a tech in vilegar, seeing as I'm unable to use my candies against that... Considering upping it to 1-1-1.
@ ATS: I sent you a PM, as this isn't really a deck discussion thread.

@ Everyone else: If you have any questions or comments, please post! I would like to help anyone that needs it, and would love some more opinions on the article. Also, if you catch any sort of error, please don't hesitate to post!
I honestly believe Machamp is tier 1 because of af all the variants, Kingchamp, Machamp-Umbreon. All great decks I belive Machamp will see huge play in my area. JK mabye in juniors but im in love with him. (And Mew of course:)
Ironman: While I do believe, that at one point, Machamp was tier 1, I cannot say he is now. Machamp is good, and with the prime he is even better, but he can still be consistently beaten. The entire fact that you have to pair Machamp with something else says something about him, and with the best combination for pairing now a lost memory(Flychamp), Machamp just can't be what it was. However, I do still think he is a solid 2-1.5. The fact that he can still successfully run through the BDIF if they are unprepared or show any signs of weakness(basically, if Luxchomp starts a bad hand, its GG for them against Machamp) makes him incredibly appealing. However, all of these deck lists and ideas are prepared from a masters point of view. Will you see tons of Regigigas, Dialga, Sablelock, Chenlock, BLG, and Luxchomp in juniors? No, maybe not. There are some, yes, but there are others who just are regular kids, playing for fun. In juniors, honestly, I could see Machamp Umbreon or Machamp Kingdra, or even Machamp Donphan being a great play, if you tech correctly for your meta.
How is Machamp still tier 1? I think it's ranging to tier 2 especially with Donphan Prime in the metagame and that card itself has proven to be a force to be reckoned with due to the speed of being a Stage 1, hitting for efficient damage for 60 + 20 = 80 with Expert Belt so that can really put LuxChomp in a pinch. Sablelock I'm not sure how it will do, I haven't seen enough of it in my metagame to justify how good it does so yeah.

I'm calling it, LostGar will top at States this year If not win depending on the decks that counter against it. I'm still awaiting to see how my UmbreTar deck does against it with Regice LA and Pokemon Rescue to get around Gengar Prime's Hurl into Darkness attack. Absol G Lv. X has been seeing more play due to LostGar and for good reason, Darkness Slugger doesn't succumb to the drawbacks Absol Prime has and can hit Gengar Prime enough to KO it.

Gyarados might make it but it's a longshot. VileGar and DialgaChomp (Absol G tech?) will make the top cut and I think Donphan Prime has a chance as well. I've seen Donphan do amazingly well at Cities this season and it's one of the best counters against LuxChomp If not one of the best decks in the format right now. I think what's going to hurt Gyarados at States is LostGar with Hurl into Darkness sending Magikarps to the Lost Zone (don't ever Sableye Impersonate Collector's on 3 Magikarp you'll regret it) as well as any deck running a Honchkrow SV tech for Darkness Restore to get Magikarps onto their bench to lessen Tail Revenge's damage.

Just my 2 cents...
Thanks for writing this up! It was great information and incredibly useful. I'm not in a position to be competing this year, but I hope to be in the next season, and building up knowledge of the current metagame is a great way for me to see how things will evolve and shift with new sets and the upcoming format change. Great work!
@ allthesesirens: Haha thanks, I'm glad I had an impact like that on you. Maybe you should come back ;)

@ Artemis: Hey, no problem! That was my goal, and I'm glad I could help. Mind sharing(just curious) the reason why you can't play this year?
Thanks for writing this. I had wondered about how Dialgachomp worked, even after playing against it several times at tournaments.

I think you should include something about Energy Exchanger, which lets one get Double Colorless Energy, Metal Energy, and Dark Energy for Sableye, Garchomp C, and Dialga G.

Also, I think Umbreon is going to be seen at states, although I'm not sure any decks will be actually built around it.
@ Sillykyle!: Yeah. The (SF/SF/Prime/Prime) means two Machamp SF, and two Machamp prime. I did not include specifics of the Machop or Machokes. The versions of cards in the parenthesis only deal with Machamp, not his lower forms.

@ Pokemunkulys: No problem! As for Energy Exchanger, I thought about it, and ultimately decided against it. I find Energy Exchanger to be a card that isn't needed in any deck, really. I totally understand its usefulness, but I think that generally, people get the energy they need most of the time, a way to get it out, or none at all. Also, the chances of you getting an energy you don't need, which is something that rarely happens(because usually, the decks you have contain Pokemon that can use any energy that gets attached to them), as well as the one copy of Energy Exchanger you would run are slim. Also, its not really worth the space; I would rather run another Pokemon Communication, a Luxury ball, another supporter, or even another energy.

As for Umbreon, I do agree that he may show up in some rogue decks, or paired with pokemon like Machamp. Really though, this is a tech many know about, but few rarely use. In my personal opinion, I don't see this as a card that will see much play.