States/Regs Testing tournament. ROUND ONE UP!!!


No i dont liek mudkipz!
Hey, Now soon states will happen and regs will happen after that so i want to have a tournament that can help us all get ready.

If you wanna join then just say what your name is and what form of contacting your opponent you will use and the name in that.
This is a redshark event but if both opponents agree it can be done other ways but dont complain if it dosn't work out or scews up.

Games are best of 1 for Swiss
Swiss rounds and cut will be desided from people in it
PlzPLZ only join if you know you will have time at least 2 times a week to play.
each round you may use a different deck if you want because we are trying to test.
None right now but if i gets really big all make some.

Round 1 parings!!!
Lucario-Master vs Flygon

Faceplant vs DeoxysUnknownForme

GHJamesGH vs PaperFairy

Spire_fan vs 85dakota85

sebaastgeen Dr.Empo

gamesstoper VS camadad

get all matches done by monday march 15th

P.S its 4 rounds with T4

RE: States/Regs Testing tournament.

I'm in =)
Hope we don't get people that sign up then MIA for the whole tourny D:
RE: States/Regs Testing tournament.

I will if I can figure out how to use Hamachi. Any help?
RE: States/Regs Testing tournament.

Me feels like doing this.
RE: States/Regs Testing tournament. ROUND ONE UP!

Umm excuse me lol, i have been on hamachi like ALOT, It doesnt seem you are on very often, if you have a concern Send me a PM, dont freak out on a thread :/
RE: States/Regs Testing tournament. ROUND ONE UP!

Can i join?even if it means a round 1 loss....