I was thinking about making like a status monster deck. Like the optimal idea would be to have leafeon (CoL) as your active and like hypno (HgSs) Roserade (Un) and keep placing torkoal (Un) and seekering (is it a word?) him back into your hand to keep getting about (1-3) statuses a turn which equals 50-150 damage from miasma wind for only one energy! Sure this requires quite a set-up but it would seem to work pretty well I would think.
Also if leafeon were to die you could always send in Roserade (who has prollly accumulated a deal of energy because of his abilty) to grind the opponent down while you set up another roserade or leafeon to fight back.
So I have some questions about this.
#1. Could it be playable (HgSs on format) and see a reasonable amount of wins?
#2. Is there any other status techs that could work from the bench or help support the idea of the deck?
#3. Anything else you would like to add or discuss?
Thank you.
Also if leafeon were to die you could always send in Roserade (who has prollly accumulated a deal of energy because of his abilty) to grind the opponent down while you set up another roserade or leafeon to fight back.
So I have some questions about this.
#1. Could it be playable (HgSs on format) and see a reasonable amount of wins?
#2. Is there any other status techs that could work from the bench or help support the idea of the deck?
#3. Anything else you would like to add or discuss?
Thank you.