Status crazy deck?


Aspiring Trainer
I was thinking about making like a status monster deck. Like the optimal idea would be to have leafeon (CoL) as your active and like hypno (HgSs) Roserade (Un) and keep placing torkoal (Un) and seekering (is it a word?) him back into your hand to keep getting about (1-3) statuses a turn which equals 50-150 damage from miasma wind for only one energy! Sure this requires quite a set-up but it would seem to work pretty well I would think.

Also if leafeon were to die you could always send in Roserade (who has prollly accumulated a deal of energy because of his abilty) to grind the opponent down while you set up another roserade or leafeon to fight back.

So I have some questions about this.

#1. Could it be playable (HgSs on format) and see a reasonable amount of wins?

#2. Is there any other status techs that could work from the bench or help support the idea of the deck?

#3. Anything else you would like to add or discuss?

Thank you.

1. i think its playable and might be able to get some wins but i dont think it will be BDIF. it can be quick and t2 you can do 100 or more.
2. the other one i would suggest over torkoal is houndoom prime. flip for burn
3. the big problem with this deck is steelix auto loss. and your main attacker only has 90 hp. but aside from that you can do some good damage quickly on other decks. playing this with rainbow energy will give both effects when you attach to roserade, seekers or unown return to get energy back to hand and keep playing. maybe a shaymin to spread energy to a new leafeon if you main attacker goes down. plus powers for that extra 10 dmg you mihgt need. thats about it. id say its a viable deck due to speed, potential dmg, and its fun! Good luck with it
silenth said:
1. i think its playable and might be able to get some wins but i don't think it will be BDIF. it can be quick and t2 you can do 100 or more.
2. the other one i would suggest over torkoal is houndoom prime. flip for burn
3. the big problem with this deck is steelix auto loss. and your main attacker only has 90 hp. but aside from that you can do some good damage quickly on other decks. playing this with rainbow energy will give both effects when you attach to roserade, seekers or unown return to get energy back to hand and keep playing. maybe a shaymin to spread energy to a new leafeon if you main attacker goes down. plus powers for that extra 10 dmg you mihgt need. thats about it. id say its a viable deck due to speed, potential dmg, and its fun! Good luck with it

Oh yeah I never thought about houndoom prime :D Thanks for he advice! :D
One thing I noticed is that you mentioned using Hypno along with Roserade. Unfortunately, that doesn't work because a Pokemon can't be asleep and confused at the same time.

sillykyle! said:
One thing I noticed is that you mentioned using Hypno along with Roserade. Unfortunately, that doesn't work because a Pokemon can't be asleep and confused at the same time.

Thats intresting I never knew that.

Are those the only statuses that can't go together?
yea, switch in the houndoom for the torkoal and hypno, and you got yourself a really "annoying" deck to play again
i would also add in the shaymin to move your energies onto roserade for the revenge kill as well as unown return to get back those rainbow energy to put back onto roserade for double status infliction
ogeray said:
yea, switch in the houndoom for the torkoal and hypno, and you got yourself a really "annoying" deck to play again
i would also add in the shaymin to move your energies onto roserade for the revenge kill as well as unown return to get back those rainbow energy to put back onto roserade for double status infliction

So by attaching a rainbow to roserade (very manly image) it activates both sleep and poison?

Thats pretty awesome :D
^Yeah, then add in Unown RETURN to get all that energy back to your hand for whenever you need it again. It's an awesome combo, but remember that that's only 110 damage by itself and many main attackers have higher HP than that... in the 130HP even up to 160HP range (and of course, Steelix will always just kill this deck).
maybe have a reshiram as an anti-steelix tech. play it down. use shaymin to move energy onto it. secdond attack takes down one steelix, absorb a hit or two and take down the next steelix. wouldn't take up much extra room. just two slots really. but you would lose your rainbow energy when using the second attack... maybe have 2 fire just incase then...
yea, i would suggest adding reshiram with like 4-5 fire energies. Make sure you play energy retrieval/fisherman. Super Scoop ups would be nice in the deck along with pluspowers/defenders.
...If push comes to shove, you can also run a few Darkness Energies as well, just in case Houndoom himself ever needs to attack - his attack costs 3 energies but it does a tidy 70 damage. (If only it were Fire-type. Then he'd be your Steelix counter.) Rescue Energy is good as well; you can just attach 1 to Leafeon and you can Miasma Wind all you want. When he gets KO'd all you lose is the Rescue Energy, and you can easily get another.

Anything else I have to add about this deck are what people above me have said already. Although, your biggest problem will actually be searching for/getting the energies, which will necessitate running Interviewer's Questions (at least 3) and Energy Exchanger (at least 2) just to keep things running.
If you are going to add in darkness energies you may as well put in an umbreon UD to completely wall the steelix
what happens in the instance that you wall a steelix with umbreon, and steelix has 3 or 4 sp metal on him? i like the thought of umbreon when you already have leafeon in the deck. but still not sure how things pan out once you're in a dead lock
Yeah I'm thinkig my line-up right now might look something like this

3-3 Leafeon
1-1 Hypno (prolly gonna drop)
2-2 Houndoom prime
3-3 roserade
2 Reshiram
1 Umbreon

How does this look so far?
I'd run 2-2 Roserade. You'll only ever need 1 out, so if you're looking for something else to put in, go with 3-3 Houndoom to get lots on bench to make sure you'll Burn if necessary. And like sillykyle! said, 4 Eevee is probably a good idea.
What kinda trainer and energy spread should I use for this deck?

Assuming my full pokemon spread is...

pokemon: 21

4-3 Leafeon
2-2 Roserade
2-2 Houndoom
2 Reshiram
1 Umbreon
2 Shaymin
1 Unown Return