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Steel Balloons (Cobalion EX / Bronzong / Drifblim)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3 Cobalion EX
    1 Aegislash EX
    1 Dialga EX PHF
    1 Cobalion LTR
    2-2 Bronzong PHF
    2-2 Drifblim DRX
    1 Mr Mime PLF
    1 Munna BCR

  • 4 Sycamore
    3 Skyla
    2 N
    2 Lysandre
    3 Ultra Ball
    3 Max Potion
    3 Muscle Band
    2 Steel Shelter
    2 Bicycle
    2 Startling Megaphone
    2 Enhanced Hammer
    2 Switch
    1 Professor's Letter
    1 VS Seeker
    1 Battle Compressor
    1 Evosoda
    1 Scramble Switch
    1 Head Ringer

  • 10 Metal Energy

Start with Cobalion EX and slow opponent with Righteous Edge and discard special energy with Enhanced Hammer. Accelerate metal energy with Bronzong. Aegislash and Dialga are stronger attackers, though im not sure which i want to use so i have 1 of each atm. Drifblim for 1 energy attacker that can hit Pyroar, and safeguard pokemon after special energy hits the discard. Munna for Long Distance Hypnosis, and Mr Mime for bench damage.

There are a lot of cards that i feel could be cut or changed, but im not really sure what i want this deck to do atm. Things i might want to add are.
1 Steel Shelter
1 Evosoda
2 More draw support
1-2 Recovery Cards like Sacred ash or something of that sort.
1 Heatran when i get my hands on one.

Idk any suggestions?
RE: Steel Balloons

I'd drop Aegislash-EX since your Enhanced Hammer/Drifblim strategy negates its ability.

I'm not sure if I like Munna here. I know Steel Shelter will protect your active from it but even if the opponents Pokemon falls asleep all they have to do is flip a heads and Long Distance Hypnosis is useless. It relies on luck too much as whether it actually hits your opponent is 50:50. And for that reason I wouldn't add another Steel Shelter like you proposed.

Maybe a Xerosic or two? To help Drifblim, and bypass item lock if you can't use Enhanced Hammer.

I think that you should specialise in either Cobalion-EX or Dialga-EX, but not both. Both are unable to score OHKOs. Personally I'd stick to Cobalion-EX. It requires 1 less energy for its main attack and has no drawbacks. Dialga-EX only does 50 more damage.

Cobalion-EX + Muscle Band = 120 damage. Enough to 2KO any EX or Mega Pokemon. As an added bonus you can start attacking with Cobalion-EX with only 1 energy.
RE: Steel Balloons

Yeah i was thinking that too with Aegislash.

Also i noticed 2 extra sleeves weasled its way into my deck. Now to drop 2 cards.