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Steelix coming at you! (States) (Masters)


Aspiring Trainer
3-3 Steelix Prime
2-2 Blissey PL
4 Smeargle UD
1 Uxie LA
1 Skuntank G

4 Volkners Philosophy
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Judge
2 Bebe's Search
4 Moo Moo Milk
2 Life Herb
3 Expert Belt
2 Junk Arm
1 Luxury Ball
1 Pokemon Communication
3 Ruins of Alph

4 SP Metal
5 Metal Energy

Basic Steelix stategy, with Smeargle to speed it up a bit.
If there is anything I can improve, please let me know!
I personally think Life Herb and Moo moo milk is nicer than Poke healer + and Junk arm, but perhaps someone can prove me wrong...

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Hi! If this is your first time posting a deck, welcome! If not, then...ok. :p

For your Pokemon line, you might want to organize it like this:

3-3 Steelix Prime
1-1 Scizor Prime
2-2 Blissey PL
1 Skuntank G
3 Smeargle UD
1 Uxie LA

First off, I think you should remove the Scizor line. This deck is very Healix-like(Steelix and Blissey), so focus on that. Drop it and add another Uxie LA and another Azelf. If somehow there is more room after this, find room for Skuntank G.

For your T/S/S, you definitely do not need Volkner's Philosophy. Drop them all for 3 more Engineer's Adjustments and another Skuntank G(there's your room). 4 Moomoo Milk is also too much, drop 2 for 1 more Bebe's Search and a Palmer's Contribution for recovery.

Everything else looks fine.
Steelix isn't exactly the fastest deck in the format so you could definitely get good use out of twins. Other than that looks fairly solid.
I've posted decks before but it has been a long time.
Trying to get in the game again.
I updated my list, Scizor is not really working out for me although in a mirror match it could've worked wonders.
I like Volkner over Engineer so I'm keeping it at that.
In the games I've played with this deck I have never needed Palmer because Steelix shouldn't be knocked out 3 times.
The second Skuntank might be an idea although I hate having it in an SP matchup.

I don't know, it could help but if I don't get twins when I need to it wont which means I need to put 2 or more in, and since I'm already playing quite a couple of supporters...

I don't mind retreating with energy because this fuels energy stream.
And like this my lowest HP basic has 70 HP.

Thanks for your help everybody, still trying to perfect it.
Updated the list again, put another Smeargle in there although I am still thinking about taking it out again for 1 suprise Energy Pickup, a Palmer, Uxie or an extra Skuntank G.

What do you think?
Should I keep the Smeargle?
Add in one of the options given, or change some things all together.