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Steelix Prime (Cities, Seniors)


Co-leader of the Storms
3-3 Steelix Prime
2-2 Blissey PL
1-1-1 Nidoqueen
2-1 Uxie Lv. X
1 Unown Q
2 Skarmory UD
1 Azelf
1 Sableye
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Bebe's Search
3 Engineer's Adjustment
2 Copycat
1 Interviewer's Questions
2 Seeker
1 Palmer's
2 Energy Exchanger
1 Luxury Ball
1 Warp Point
2 Expert Belt
4 Spc. Metal
2 Metal
2 Warp Energy
1 Psychic

Set up Steelix with Spc. Metals. Use Blissey and Nidoqueen to heal any damage that gets through. Use Engineer's to discard energy for drawpower, then use DCE for Steelix's Energy receiving attack. Use these methods to get 2-4 Spc. Metals on Steelix and start sweeping for 100. I'd like to get rid of Sableye, but don't know what to replace it with.
hey! i run this deck as well and i have found that you do not need the nidoqueen so take out that tech and add 3 sableye that is one of the key points of the deck is getting sableye out as fast as possible
Hey! Me too! lol

I wouldn't run Skarmory, since it requires an energy and attach another and what happens if you start of with only Skarmory... Then you're... Toast.

No Nidoqueen in m opinion, it kind of slows down the deck, and you have enough heal. If there's Luxray in your area, then place in 2 Ruins of Alph.
BTS is a bad idea IMO. I'd personally just drop 2 Onix and see if they snipe one. That's just me though. Conductive Quarry's better and ruins of alphs good also.