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Steelix Prime (urgent)


Aspiring Trainer
Need a bit of input on my Steelix deck. It runs quite good, exception of Gyarados, his SSU/Seeker healing ability is quicker/easier/more than mine. Should I opt for the Shaymin heal (drop shaymin, move energy to new steelix, warp energy/point damaged steelix to bench, seeker it up), or the trainer heal (moo milk, life herb, etc)? Also, should I add it crobat G/poke turns? Let me know your feedback. Thanks.

Pokemon: 19
3-3 Steelix Prime
2-2 Blissey PL
4 Sableye
2 Skuntank G
1 Uxie
1 Unown Q
1 Shaymin TR

TSS: 28
3 Collector
3 Bebe's
2 Engineer's
2 Seeker
1 Palmer's
4 Poke Healer
2 WP
2 Energy Exchanger
2 Expert Belt
1 VS Seeker
1 Luxury Ball
2 Cond. Quarry
1 Ruins of Alph

Energy: 13
1 Warp
5 Metal
Does the 3-3 Prime line include the Onix? If so (I hope it does), Why are there no Fighting Energy? Just incase of a bad start.
Im using the 'harden' Onix. If I start with onix, prolly got a DCE or SME, or at least a metal energy, can use it. Preferred to use a DCE/SME, next turn evolve to Steelix, engy/nurse call a SME, and use Steelix's first attack to hit 30 and attach the energy from discard. any other ideas?
I agree with Chanman45, I run a deck sort of similar to this and Ebelt is helpful.
I'm assuming you mean the UL shaymin right? I don't think there's a Shaymin in the TR set.

Lucian's Assignment would work well too. I'd also say stick with the Shaymin option for your healing because of all the trainer locking going around. Maybe bump up the warp points in case of that too. Don't be afraid to load up on Ebelts if you're going to be scooping them back up too.
Take out a metal energy for a DCE. It's so crucial to setting up a fast enough tank. Also, my Stadium line is 2 Ruins of Alph and 1 Pokemon Contest Hall just in case you can't topdeck an Expert Belt. I personally prefer Moo-Moo Milk to Poke Healer + because with 4 Junk Arms (like you need in here, so great in this deck) you can heal SOOO much damage off.