Wi-Fi Trades Steffs's Trades - Updated!


Miss Vaanjie
Friend Code: 1306 - 5808 - 6303
Times Available: Friday, Saturday and Sunday


Pokemon with Hidden Abilities

Beldum - Lv. 40 - Bold
Beldum - Lv. 40 - Calm
Beldum - Lv. 40 - Sassy
Beldum - Lv. 40 - Quiet
Metang - Lv. 46 - Adamant

Igglybuff - Lv. 40 - Timid
Igglybuff - Lv. 40 - Rash
Igglybuff - Lv. 40 - Sassy
Igglybuff - Lv. 40 - Sassy

Slowpoke - Lv. 40 - Timid
Slowpoke - Lv. 40 - Impish
Slowpoke - Lv. 40 - Hasty

Hoothoot - Lv. 40 - Impish
Hoothoot - Lv. 40 - Bold
Hoothoot - Lv. 40 - Quiet

Drifloon - Lv. 31 - Quiet
Drifloon - Lv. 30 - Impish
Drifloon - Lv. 40 - Hasty

Riolu - Lv. 30 - Impish
Riolu - Lv. 30 - Relaxed
Riolu - Lv. 40 - Naughty
Riolu - Lv. 40 - Rash
Riolu - Lv. 40 - Lax

Swablu - Lv. 30 - Hasty
Swablu - Lv. 40 - Quiet
Swablu - Lv. 30 - Serious
Swablu - Lv. 40 - Lax
Swablu - Lv. 40 - Hasty

Munna - Lv. 40 - Impish
Munna - Lv. 30 - Hardy
Munna - Lv. 30 - Relaxed
Munna - Lv. 30 - Hasty

Sigilyph - Lv. 30 - Quirky
Sigilyph - Lv. 30 - Calm
Sigilyph - Lv. 30 - Impish

Shuckle - Lv. 30 - Relaxed
Shuckle - Lv. 40 - Careful
Shuckle - Lv. 40 - Impish

Glameow - Lv. 35 - Calm
Glameow - Lv. 60 - Bashful
Glameow - Lv. 60 - Jolly
Glameow - Lv. 60 - Loney
Glameow - Lv. 25 - Quiet

Foongus - Lv. 28 - Brave
Foongus - Lv. 29 - Mild
Foongus - Lv. 27 - Adamant
Foongus - Lv. 27 - Gentle
Amoonguss - Lv. 42 - Modest
Amoonguss - Lv. 37 - Naughty
Amoonguss - Lv. 36 - Impish
Amoonguss - Lv. 58 - Bold
Amoonguss - Lv. 38 - Naughty
Amoonguss - Lv. 58 - Naughty

Bronzor - Lv. 37 - Jolly
Bronzor - Lv. 40 - Brave

Leavanny (Overcoat) - Lv. 21 - Brave
Watchog (Analytic) - Lv. 56 - Rash
Watchog (Analytic) - Lv. 57 - Calm
Woobat (Simple) - Lv. 27 - Lax
Sneasel (Pickpocket) - Lv. 48 - Lax
Seviper (Infiltrator) - Lv. 31 - Relaxed
Zangoose (Toxic Boost) Lv. 31 - Impish

All obtained legally through Dream Rader or Hidden Grotto (White 2)


- Enigma Berries
- Lucky Eggs
- Rocky Helmet
- Wide Lens


- I'll take anything you have
RE: Steffenka's Trade Thread - X Version (Updates)

Would you trade me your Charizardite X for my Mewtwonite Y?
RE: Steffenka's Trade Thread - X Version (Updates)

Hey Steffenka! Were still need to do this trade:
My: Cheers Force Darumakan - Your: Shiny Durant.
RE: Steffenka's Trade Thread - X Version (Updates)

117jokes said:
Would you trade me your Charizardite X for my Mewtwonite Y?

Sure, when are you able? :)

ShinyVincent said:
Hey Steffenka! Were still need to do this trade:
My: Cheers Force Darumakan - Your: Shiny Durant.

That's right, I almost forgot it ^^'
When are you able? :)
RE: Steffenka's Trade Thread - X Version (Updates)

steffenka said:
117jokes said:
Would you trade me your Charizardite X for my Mewtwonite Y?

Sure, when are you able? :)

I can trade know. I've already added you. My FC is in my signature.
RE: Steffenka's Trade Thread - X Version (Updates)

Hello to you!
I am interested in your Unown!
Please do check my list by clicking the Sylveon within my signature and letting me know if anything is of interest; I would also be willing to part with multiple Pokemon for it as well!
RE: Steffenka's Trade Thread - X Version (Updates)

SylveonsAndEspurrs said:
Hello to you!
I am interested in your Unown!
Please do check my list by clicking the Sylveon within my signature and letting me know if anything is of interest; I would also be willing to part with multiple Pokemon for it as well!

As far as I can see there is not really anything peaking my interest, sorry ^^'
RE: Steffenka's Trade Thread - X Version (Updates)

steffenka said:
SylveonsAndEspurrs said:
Hello to you!
I am interested in your Unown!
Please do check my list by clicking the Sylveon within my signature and letting me know if anything is of interest; I would also be willing to part with multiple Pokemon for it as well!

As far as I can see there is not really anything peaking my interest, sorry ^^'

That is quite alright! Thank you for taking a look anyways ^^
RE: Steffenka's Trade Thread - X Version (Updates)

steffenka said:
117jokes said:
Would you trade me your Charizardite X for my Mewtwonite Y?

Sure, when are you able? :)

ShinyVincent said:
Hey Steffenka! Were still need to do this trade:
My: Cheers Force Darumakan - Your: Shiny Durant.

That's right, I almost forgot it ^^'
When are you able? :)

From now, some thing like 5 hour..But, Weekends work the best
RE: Steffenka's Trade Thread - X Version (Updates)

ShinyVincent said:
steffenka said:
Sure, when are you able? :)

That's right, I almost forgot it ^^'
When are you able? :)

From now, some thing like 5 hour..But, Weekends work the best

I'll hold it until the weekend then :)
RE: Steffenka's Trade Thread - X Version (Update - Shiny Mesprit)

What ability and iv's does your shiny shaymin have?
RE: Steffenka's Trade Thread - X Version (Update - Shiny Mesprit)

It has 6 iv's and Serene Grace (Sky Forme) or Natural Cure (Land Forme) :)
RE: Steffenka's Trade Thread - X Version (Update - Shiny Mesprit)

I have ocean vivillon available.
RE: Steffenka's Trade Thread - X Version (Update - Shiny Mesprit)

Aeroden said:
I have ocean vivillon available.

I'm sorry I forgot to remove them, I already have all Vivillon ^-^'