Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"This is so easy...The Square Root of Pi is obviously 1.7543152523454325..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Mack get's to work on his lesson page....
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Yup. My desicion clearly needs to be changed...
"I'm not going to kiss it. Excuse me as I move to another desk."
*moves next to Normal Nana*
"Need any help?"

"Nah. I'm good. What's your name?"
"Cool. Hey, um...could you do me a favor and tell me who that guys is over there?"
*points to Wes*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

*Starts working on his worksheet, but isnt paying too much attention because he is thinking of who to ask to the dance*
"Not Kina, she likes... someone else" *laughs a little* "Not those creepy new girls, maybe that girl from my spanish class?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

so much for one in the hand...

ooc: how do yall do the slanted typing :eek:?
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"Maybe she doesn't like him, she looks pretty mad" *laughs some more*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

OOC: It's italics. TEXT [/i
And then another straight closebracket at the end.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Mack glares at roan mouthing the words 'this isn't over mate'

ooc thanks mate :p
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

batpee1 said:
so much for one in the hand...

ooc: how do yall do the slanted typing :eek:?

When typing in the box, there is a slanted I under the Font box.

IC: "Oh, him? That's Wes. Do"
"Yah, he's kinda cute."
"Oh, okay. I thought I had someone on my mind, but I just realized that really he's kind of a jerk."
*Smart Nana leans over*
"What about that guy?"
*points at Troy*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"Goodluck" He mouthed back "Shes telling Nana youre a jerk" *grins at him*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"she never said me just someone" Mack mouths with a sneer on his face then winks at roan
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"Haha keep telling yourself that"

OoC: i g2g be back later today maybe
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"Him. I like people who are smarter than thier looks."
"That's Troy. I'm sure he'd be glad to get a date from you!"
"Who did you want to ask?"
"I wanted to ask Mack, but he's been mean to Troy lately. Maybe if he proved to be nicer person I would ask..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Wes was about 3/4 of the way through his paper, but he was stumped on a question. He shrugged and moved on to the next question, leaving the previous blank.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Lupus spots troy and asks, "You! When is the next full moon?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"Ok, Last Question, Hmm...I'll just guess. Like the other 2."
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