Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

Chris put down "East of Eden" and pulled out "The Pearl"

"Wow,this book, it's so, moving... is that what a love is like? Kino and Juana in The Pearl feel something magnetic. Maybe, I should be open-minded..." said Chris to himself.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

*catches up with Shane*
"I'm sorry, I just don't enjoy how you lied. Please forgive me."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

Serenity says to herself..." I was realy looking forward to going with Chris, sure we just met but the thought of someone trying to get to know me and hangen out with some of the students would have been real fun...I guess I'll still go though."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

Chris opened up his sketch-pad, and started to jot down notes.

"If I'm going to become an author, I need to be able to test every aspect of life. Including... love, I guess."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

OoC: My computer wouldn't load Pokebeach.

IC: Troy walks out of his room and accidentally walks into smart Nana when he leaves.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

Chris changes into a party tuxedo, and heads out to find Shane and Kina. However, he becomes lost.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

(sorry I was gone.)
"I was just trying to help a friend.*
*Points down to Serenity.*
"Can't you tell she wanted to go too? Anyway, see ya later Kina..."
*He walked off to his room and laid down.*
(I gtg for the night. C u guys tomorrow.)
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

Chris walks around aimlessly, until he realizes that it his hopeless in trying to find out where to go. He makes his way back to the room, hoping to see Kina, Shane, or Serenity on the way.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

OOC: UGH! Everytime Pokebeach works for me I don't go on!

IC: "Do I battle now? I'm so bored..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

Yea do i battle""

OOC: why wont pokebeach load for me
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

OOC: It's not your problem. It's the site. It is having lots of troubles right now.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

OOC: o thats it ok then idc
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

OoC: Sweet! Too much time hasn't past ingame. Sorry I havent been on, it was really busy at work this weekend and had no free time, and my one day off, my computer wouldnt load the site (sounds like a few of us had this problem). So anyway, back to the game ^.^

*Roan sees Serinity and Kina in the stands and walks over to them*
"Hey Kina, who is your new friend?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

(Yeah everyone's been down. Let's hope it doesn't happen again.)

*Shane gets up and starts to walk around. He finds Chris just walking around.*
"Oh, hey Chris."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"Hey, Shane. I.. Um... decided to go to the dance... Where is it again?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

Serenity looks at Roan..."Hi my name is Serenity. Im a new student from Snowpoint City in Sinnoh."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

Lupus tapped his foot, Mad Nana's opponent wasn't making a move...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

Okay, for some reason my computer shuts down pokebeach at 12:06, I have noticed, so, I am going to try to keep up with all you guys did while I was gone.

"Troy, I just wanted say that I apologize, and just-"
*gives him a hug*
"Sorry, I am just really sorry."

"The current battle is Angry Nana VS Drake! Drake! You need to come on down! Don't be scared!"
I must have really hurt Shane's feelings...
But he seemed to get even more upset when I apologized...
Maybe I could ask Chris what was wrong...

*starts walking down towards Chris*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

After finishing her conversation with Roan, Serenity goes outside the stadium to get some fresh air " I sure miss the fresh air of Snowpoint....this is good too(laughs at herself)"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

IC: "Well, I might have over reacted. I am sorry aswell." Troy says to smart Nana.
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