Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"What? No one is going to bed! I trained the Nana's to do this! The others shouldn't have to bother! I don't want anyone else in danger!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"I'm fine Chris. And besides, maybe you should go check on everyone. MAke sure they're okay. Like Serenity, she had a rough day. Her first friend was just kidnapped. Now might be a great time to score some points with her. Just try not to... you know.. See ya Chris."
*Hangs up phone.*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

Mack replies again to roan.
'idc im in good with the dea'.
"ya im ready less go.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

Lupus kneels and starts to grunt...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"I'm fine Chris. And besides, maybe you should go check on everyone. MAke sure they're okay. Like Serenity, she had a rough day. Her first friend was just kidnapped. Now might be a great time to score some points with her. Just try not to... you know.. See ya Chris."
*Hangs up phone.*
"So, I guess we just..."
*Grabs the door handle to open it.*
(aggie you decide if it be locked or not.)
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

Chris wonders whether or not he should go see Serenity.

But then, he realizes that she is a bit like Oliver from Oliver Twist. She's alone, and her only friend has been taken away by an evil force.

He changes into regular clothing, and goes to see Serenity.

OOC: I love making references to literature!
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"Now that i got him off time to go to bed."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

OOC: See yah!
IC: Nanas? Can you please stop the other students from being endangered?
Okay, but we need to get Kina ASAP!

the door is locked
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

'whatever you say, man. And if u need a friend or whatever, to talk to about tonight. You got me. So anyway, cheese aside, dont go doing anything stupid'
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"sh*t fudge" :[
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"Should we break it down? That could risk us getting in trouble with the dean...."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

Mack walks away down the hallway.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"Actually, you should go to bed!"
*Normal Nana is slowly turning into Angry Nana*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

Drake tries to sleep, but can't stop thinking of Kina.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

*Is happily asleep."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

*is in bed, but can't sleep. Decides to listen to music on his pokegear*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"So you're just going to give up like that? Kina deserves a better boyfriend than you..."
"Someone who'll actually go after her if she's kidnapped... someone like.... me."
*Shane turned to face the door and prepares to kick it down.*
"Is it really worth getting i trouble maybe if suspended... me and Kina aren't even a done deal.... but no, I couldn't live with myself knowing I could've saved her if anything were to happen to her... here goes nothing..."
*Shane rams the door as had as he can smashing it down.*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

OOC: No offence, but I don't think making them superheros was all that smart IMO. I mean, sure, some powers are good, but I don't think this rpg needed that.
Also, I'm not going to be active enough for this rpg. I can't keep up. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to quit.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"you jerk you don't think i wanna find her?!?!?"
Mack punches shane in the face sending him to the ground.
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