Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"Right here! The Dean just called me. What pokemon do you want?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"Hello, Mr. Ketchum. I get to choose the pokemon I want?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"As long as it's a basic that can evolve, yes!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"Oh... well... I choose..."

Chris thought for a moment, and realized that if he was going to travel with Serenity, he should choose a pokemon to counter any Fire types.

"Well... I choose, Squirtle!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"Nice choice...I remember my Squirtle...anyways, here you go!"
*hands him a pokeball*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

Chris grabs the Poke ball, and holds it tightly.

"This is my first pokemon. I... go, Squirtle!"

Chris throws his poke ball in the air, and the Squirtle comes out.

"Hmm... I think I'll call you... Beck. It's part of the last name of my most favorite author, John Steinbeck."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"Wait so your taking us to our home towns sweet I can get my life long buddy Spirit my pokemon witch was my first one."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

batui4 said:
"Wait so your taking us to our home towns sweet I can get my life long buddy Spirit my pokemon witch was my first one." are really getting me mad with your mind-block against grammar

OOC: Now we have to wait for Ice_Master....
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

OOC: well sorry I'm only in 7th grade and I fail in spelling
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"Return, Beck." The Squirtle went back to the poke ball.

"Nana, I'm going back to my dorm to put some things back together. Since I only just got here, I didn't really take anything out."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

OOC: I think your offense. BTW, Ice-Master left so...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

OOC: no thats not it its just the fact the i can't spell good
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

batui4If you are using that as an excuse, please let me tell you that I am in 7th grade, and I manage fine.

TrainerofFury Yes, I know..but she still needs her

IC: "Yah, go ahead."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

Chris goes back to his dorm, and starts to pack.

"Hmm.. I wonder where Shane went?" He said to himself.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

OOC: I'm in the 6th grade so...

IC: Drake falls asleep in his dorm, having a nightmare about the Men in Black taking him away.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

OOC: Wow. I'm older than all of you. I'm in the 11th grade.

Chris packs up his books, and sees the pile of books from the library.

"Hmm.. better go return those."

He picks up the books, and runs towards the library.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

Boddy903 said:
OOC: Wow. I'm older than all of you. I'm in the 11th grade.

Wow. I assumed you were like...nine.
*Nana walks back to her room and starts packing.*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

OOC: -_-. Thanks. I am actually 15, turning 16 on the 19th of August.

IC: Chris runs to the library, and returns the books.

"You know, now would be a good time to train. Who was that other guy? Not Spirit, the other. Maybe I could battle with him," thought Chris.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

OOC: ^_^' sorry....your RP characters are just so...immature...

IC:Oh Kina...where are you?
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

OOC: I know. I make them immature for my own amusement. I am actually much more intellectual. Just look at the amount of thought I put into Pokemon: Teams of Courage.

IC: "Beck! Come on out!"

Beck came out of the poke ball.

"Ok, we are going to do some training! I don't really know.. what to do... but... you should!"

Beck tilted his head.

"Here.. take this scarf. It's kinda cold."
Chris pulled out a bright red scarf, and placed it around Beck's neck.
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