Sticker/Card Vending Machines

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Keyblade Trainer
Remember how back in 1999-2002 you could find Pokemon cards in just about every vending machine in any business you walked into?


Sometimes the display showed English cards and you would get something random like a Japanese Jigglypuff. Or put in $1 worth of quarters and only get an Energy to much disappointment. Or maybe you were one of the lucky ones and actually got something decent (I got a holo Japanese Giovanni's Machamp once).

Anymore, all the machines have are Hannah Montana stickers or tattoos. I haven't seen a machine since 2003 or so have Pokémon cards at all. A couple months back, I did find one that had Pokémon Diamond and Pearl stickers that put a smile on my face (and I bought a few since they were 25 cents a pop). I will admit that when I see the machines I think, "Hmm... Maybe one day Pokémon cards will be on display again, but probably not."

With all that said, did you ever get anything cool from one of these vending machines? Did you ever get a holo? Were you the guy who only got Energy cards? Also, have you seen any machines within the last 7 years that had Pokémon cards?
I liked the vending machines that used to have the mini baseball helmets and football helmets.
I never got anything great outta those machines, just commons such as Bulbasaur and Charmander...Think I did get an uncommon Wartortle once, that made my day lol.
I feel like I might have got a Chansey out of one or something. God it's been forever man lol You're takin me way back.
i also got the diamond and pearl stickers! i think i got just about everyone, they should bring back the cards and sticks! =D
There has been a shining charizard sitting at the bottom of
a pile of random stuffin a vending machine at my local restraunt. It's been 4 years, and I still have never gotten it. I also remember when i was at a movie theater, i went into the arcade. The grand prize was a empoleon x for 700,000 tickets. What a rip!
^Anything you exchange tickets for is always a rip... Anyway tehy do have machines where for a dollar's worth of quarters you get a little capsule with a pokemon keychain thing, featuring movies. You can put them on your DS, for example like a wriststrap.
I never actually encountered machines with actual cards in them, Japanese or English. However, I used to see machines loaded up with holofoil stickers of Japanese Neo cards quite a bit. They were actually rather cool for being completely unofficial products.
The vending machine at the store that runs one of the Leagues in my area has a vending machine with DP cards.

I remember getting some random Geodude in a Wal-Mart with some sort of odd holographic foil at least 5 years back.
Even without the pokemon sticker/card Snack Machines, the pokemon are still popular worldwide. From all ages and generation they know pokemon. Maybe it is also because of the availability of the cards in other stores that is why they are not selling so much on the vending machines. Vending Machine
i loved those machines, i really miss them. the only card i got from one of those was a tauros from expedition. other than that i got a lot of stickers
I want some imakuni? cards so baaaad!

those were in japanese vending machines a while ago.

ebay is the best source for a set.
There was a vending machine at some doughnut place I ran into a few years ago with Pokemon phone straps. I got Buizel :(

Juliacoolo said:
There has been a shining charizard sitting at the bottom of
a pile of random stuffin a vending machine at my local restraunt. It's been 4 years, and I still have never gotten it.

You should just ask the manager. They probably don't care enough to refuse somebody who has been trying for 4 years.
Vending Machines are a great invention that human created. These machines makes some vendors life much easier. The only problem their are lotted of people are hacking or infiltrating those machines, so they can get the product that they want.
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