Storm Dwellers (DP Set #6) Just doing spoilers

Awesome! Thanks... and Abaxter... not bad. But his HP should be 120 because of his body. And his second attack doesn't make sense. And his second should do 60, and the last one before it do 40...:p
Swampert is actually pretttty balanced, though I'd increase recoil damage to 20. And a 50 snipe for a non-ex basic is broken.

Bronzor Lv. 23 HP 60 (M)

(.) Reflective Positioning
If your opponent attacks Bronzor during their next turn, flip a coin. If heads, the attack does nothing.

(M)(M)(M) Full Steel 60
If bronzor has any Special Energy cards attached to it, this attacks base damage is 10.

Weakness: (R) +10
Resistance: (P) -20
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)
Here comes Rapidash

Rapidash LV.42 90HP (R)
Stage 1 Evolves from Ponyta

(R) Singe 10
The Defending Pokémon is now Burned.

(R)(R)(R) Graceful Flames 50
During your opponent's next turn, prevent all effects of attacks (including damage), done to your Benched Pokémon.

Weakness: Water +20
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: 0
Can I help ?

Kyogyre lv.53 90 HP (W)

Basic Pokemon

Poke-Power : Hydro Absorb
Once during your turn (Before your attack) you may search your discard pile for an Energy and attach it to 1 of your (W) Pokemon. (Kyogre can't use this Poke-Power if it is effected by a Special Condition)

(W)(W)(C) Ancient Water
Discard 2 (W) Energy cards attached to Kyogre, if you do, this attack does 70 damage to 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. (Don't apply weakness and resistance for benched Pokemon)

Weakness : (L)(+20)
Resistance : -none-
Retreat Cost : (C)
Wow, nice M_M, I'll do an excpetion...
B_M & SVN are helpers now! But no one else!
Nice SVN! But I'd make singe do 10 thouugh, and still burn.
Yea, but now we have 4! But that's as high as we're going. I only picked you guys because you did the best job.
Bronzong Lv. 55 HP 90 (P)

Poke-Body: Effect Swap
Whenever Bronzong is damaged by an attack(even if Bronzong is knocked out) from a Pokemon with a poke-power or poke-body, place a seal counter on that Pokemon. Then, place a Seal counter upside on one of your Pokemon that doesn't have a Poke-power or Poke-Body. That Pokemon can now use the body/power.

(M)© Metalic Grind 40
If the Defending Pokemon used a Poke-Power last turn, this attack does nothing.

Weakness: ® (+30)
Ressitance: (P) (-20)
Retreat Cost: ©©©

Evolves From Buizel

PokeBody: High Mist
If you have more prize cards than your opponent, prevent all damage done to your benched pokemon.

[w][w] Mega Shower
Does 20 damage to all pokemon in play

[w][w][c] Speed Charge 50
If this attack knocks out the defending pokemon, place any remaining damage counters on your opponent's pokemon in anyway you like.

WK: E +20
RS: -
RC: c

Poke-Power: Full-Smash
Once during your turn you may use this power, all of ursaring's attacks do 40 more damage. If you do, Ursaring is confused and put 4 damage counters on this card.

©© Hidden Strike 20
During your next turn, this attack's base damage is 50. You can't use this attack again if the Defending Pokemon takes more then 60 damage (benching ends this affect).

©©©©© Sheer Bulk 60x
Discard 4 energys attached to Ursaring. This attack does 60 damage for each Ursaring and Teddiursa in play.

Weakness: (F) +30
Retreat: ©©©

Evolves from Seadra

PokePower: Dragon Light
Once during your turn, you may remove damage counters up to as many energy are on the defending pokemon. You can't use more than one Dragon Light per turn.

[.] Whirlpool
Your opponent switches there active pokemon with one their benched pokemon. Switch Kingdra with one of your benched pokemon. You may move as many energies as you like to the new active pokemon from Kingdra.

[w][c] Sea Exchange
Discard up to 10 cards from your hand. Put that many damage conters on the defending pokemon. Then, search you discard pile for up to 3 energies and attach them to kingdra. Or, search your discard pile for up to 5 energy cards a put them into your hand.

WK: E +20
RS: -
RC: cc

Bronzong Lv.X Hp 100 P

Poke-Body: Imunization
For every pokemon on your benc with a poke-power or poke-body, Bronzong gets +10 health for every one

(P)(S)© Metallic Cry 60+
If Bronzong Lv.X was damaged last turn for 40 or more damage, this attack does an addtional 20 damage, and Bronzong Lv.X has no weakness next turn.

Weakness: Fire x2
Resistance: Psychic -30
Reteat Cost: 3


[.] Fly High
Switch rayquaza with one of your benched pokemon. If you don't have any benched pokemon, this attack does 40 damage. Switch the defending pokemon with one of your opponent's benched pokemon. Your opponent chooses the benched pokemon. If your opponent doesn't have any benched pokemon, the defending pokemon is now confused and paralyzed.

[c][c][c] Dragon Tail
This attack does 50 damage to one of your opponent's pokemon.

WK: C+20
RS: F-30
RC: cc

Evolves from Marshstomp

PokePower: Mud Calling
Once during your turn, if you attached a basic [F] energy to swampert, Swampert's attacks do 10 more damage. If you attached a basic [W] energy to Swampert this turn, remove one damage counter on Swampert.

[w][c] Lagoon Punch 50
Swampert does 10 damage to itself.

[w][c][c] Slap Down 50
If this attack does more damage than damage counters on the defending pokemon, remove the highest stage evolution and put it into your oponents hand.

WK: G+30
RS: E-20
RC: ccc

Alakazam LV.51 110 HP (P)
Stage 2 Evolves from Kadabra

Poké-Body: Synchronize
Whenever Alakazam is affected by a Special Condition by the effects of an opponent's, the Defending Pokémon is now affected by that Condition.

[P][P][C] Telewarp 50
Move 1 Energy card attached to Alakazam to one of your Benched Pokémon. Then switch Alakazam with that Benched Pokémon. If you have no Benched Pokémon, this attack does nothing.

Weakness: Psychic +30
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: C

Bronzor Lv. 23 HP 60 (M)

(.) Reflective Positioning
If your opponent attacks Bronzor during their next turn, flip a coin. If heads, the attack does nothing.

(M)(M)(M) Full Steel 60
If bronzor has any Special Energy cards attached to it, this attacks base damage is 10.

Weakness: ® +10
Resistance: (P) -20
Retreat Cost: ©©

Rapidash LV.42 90HP ®
Stage 1 Evolves from Ponyta

® Singe 10
The Defending Pokémon is now Burned.

®®® Graceful Flames 50
During your opponent's next turn, prevent all effects of attacks (including damage), done to your Benched Pokémon.

Weakness: Water +20
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: 0

Kyogyre lv.53 90 HP (W)

Basic Pokemon

Poke-Power : Hydro Absorb
Once during your turn (Before your attack) you may search your discard pile for an Energy and attach it to 1 of your (W) Pokemon. (Kyogre can't use this Poke-Power if it is effected by a Special Condition)

(W)(W)© Ancient Water
Discard 2 (W) Energy cards attached to Kyogre, if you do, this attack does 70 damage to 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. (Don't apply weakness and resistance for benched Pokemon)

Weakness : (L)(+20)
Resistance : -none-
Retreat Cost : ©

I'll make it cleaner later, gotta catch the bus! *runs through house like mad*
Here is Porygon-Z for you

Porygon-Z LV.53 110 HP (C)
Stage 2 Evolves from Porygon2

Poké-Power: Dubious Database
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for a card and put it into your hand. Then put 2 damage counters on Porygon-Z. You can't use more than 1 Dubious Database Poké-Power each turn. This power can't be used if Porygon-Z is affected by a Special Condition.

(C)(C)(C) Virus Repair 50
Remove 1 damage counter from Porygon-Z.

Weakness: Fighting +30
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: C
Raichu Lv. 44 HP 90 (L)

Poke-Body: Increase Voltage
Whenever you attach a (M) energy card from your hand to Raichu, search your discard pile for 2 (L) energy cards. Attach 1 to Raichu and put the other one in your hand.

(L) Static Rise 30
If there any (M) energy attached to Raichu, this attack does 30 damage to 1 of your benched Pokemon. If not, search your deck for a (M) energy and attach it to Raichu

(L)(L)(L) Induct and Zzap 30
Move 2 damage counters from each of your (L) Pokemon in play to your opponent's Pokemon in any way you like. Then discard a (M) energy attached to Raichu (if any).

Weakness: (F) +20
Resistance: (M) -20
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)

SvN: The second sentence of Dubious Database is worded poorly, but the rest is great.
Then is missing the "n"

Pikachu Lv. 14 HP 50 (L)

(L) Static Downsize
If Pikachu is damaged by an attack next turn, that attack's base damage is reduced by 10(benching ends this effect).

(L)(C)(C) Peppy Smash 20+
If you have Plusle, Minun or Pichu on your bench, this attack does an additional 20 damage.

Weakness (F) +10
Resistance: (M) -20
Retreat Cost: (C)

Pichu Lv. 6 HP 50 (L)

Poke-Power: Baby Evolution
Not going to type it out -_-

(.) Invite Chums
Search your deck for up to 2 in any combination of Pichu, Pikachu, Plusle and Minun and put them on your bench

Weakness: (F) +10
Resistance: (M) -20
Retreat Cost: (C)
Evolves from Wingull

[c] Ariel Ace 30
This attack isn't affect by resistance.

[w][w][c] Spit Up
Count the number of damage counters on Pelliper, than put that many damage counters on the defending pokemon.

WK: E+30
RS: F-30
RC: -

Er, uh, what is Electric Downsize's base damage?
Here is Groudon.

Groudon lvl 53 90 HP (F)

Poke-Power : Heat Evaporation
Once during your turn (Before your attack) you may discard a (W) attached to the defending Pokemon. (You can't use more than 1 Heat Evaporation Poke-Power during your turn)

(F)(F)(C) Underground Havoc 60
Flip a coin, if heads, this attack does 10 damage to all of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. (Don't applay Weakness and Resistance for benched Pokemon)

Weakness : (W)
Resistance : -none-
Retreat Cost : (C)(C)(C)