Straight Edge

Water Pokémon Master said:
Holy Star said:
Water Pokémon Master said:
It literally seems like EVERYONE in college does something.

Not me =D
You go to my college? Let's meet up so we can eat some marijuana! actually chew the stuff? I thought you were supposed to like... smoke it or something.

Of course with all that poop you're around... nothing is too Farfetch'd with you ._.

Anyway, whoever doesn't live like this is torturing themselves and slowly draining their lives away. Drugs, alcohol (in excess), and smoking are all bad.
Since I quit smoking almost a year ago, I'd like to think I sit right on the border of the sXe lifestyle. However, since I'm of age, I do consume alcohol once in a while. Example: I had 1 drink this weekend. The last time I drank before that was in October. And I go to one of the biggest party schools in the country. I am by no means a heavy drinker.
scampy said:
You'll only damage your body if you have no self control. Sure, alchohol is bad when you get addicted to the stuff, but an occasional drink with your friends is just great.

Do I drink to be cool, or to purposefully harm my body? No, I drink to have fun and to relax, and I pity anyone who does it for any other reason. But looking through the posts here... that last point is something none of you seem to be addressing. ;p

::DF111:: said:
Which last point ?

The last point is sex. I do have sex, with my girlfriend of 2 1/2 years. We didn't start to have sex tell about a less then a year ago. It was a mutual decision to wait and then also to have sex. Since we were both raised Catholic it goes against the faith, but I take very different views on my faith then most. But so far my girlfriend and I are planing to get married in about 3 to 4 years. In my junior year of collage I'm going to propose (so two years from now). Her parents have made it clear though no marriage tell you get jobs in the real world.

So yes i have sex, but its when my girlfriend wants to and its on her term. If you learn anything from me, be it that always ALWAYS respect and treat the one you want to spend the rest of your life with as a god.
Actually I was talking about the "people drink to have fun and relax" part that everyone seems to exclude from their arguments. You guys all seem to pick upon the "people drink to try and act cool" aspect, for some reason, and shun the very idea of alchohol because of the idealogies of idiotic youths who can't control themselves.
scampy said:
Actually I was talking about the "people drink to have fun and relax" part that everyone seems to exclude from their arguments. You guys all seem to pick upon the "people drink to try and act cool" aspect, for some reason, and shun the very idea of alcohol because of the ideologies of idiotic youths who can't control themselves.

oo that point. Well i drink just to relax and enjoy the food I am having the drink with. I see no sense in getting so drunk you cant remember what you did. Alcohol is to be drank causley in my schema of things.
I have a bunch of friends who smoke and drink, at those partys I just sit there and watch everyone else do stupid stuff and i go home after an hour cause they never remember if i was there or not lol

Also at Nationals for Volleyball two years ago our setter was smoking pot in his room, by himself. i wouldn't be in there when he was doing that. But he came running yelling that his dad was comming up to his room in 5 mins so we stole the freshener from the cleaning ladies and sprayed down his room lol

But Drugs I will never do, smokers I get so annoyed by cause you hurt yourself and everyone around you so thats a major no, alchohol yes but once Im 21 and I wont get drunk all the way ever... and sex is not till college end of discussion.

Oh BTW red wine is good because it thins your blood so that is good for your heart and also it has anti oxidents which help prevent cancer. But anything in excess is bad
I will never touch drugs or smoke. Taking drugs is like throwing your life down the drain, which is something I do not want to do. I am personally annoyed when I see someone smoking. I hate the smell of the smoke, and for some other reason I just get irritated when I see someone standing there, with a lit cigarette in their mouth. To boot, smoking burns right through your money and puts you at a higher chance of mortality.

I may have a drink when I become of age, but I will never drink an excessive amount. Getting drunk is one of the most stupid things a person can do....