Pokemon Strange.... isn't it?

Pokequaza said:
safariblade said:
lapras and dragonite's heads look similar
and dratini and dunsparace look slightly... possibly... related

I don't see much similarities... despite they both have a horn ._.

And Dunsparce and Dratini? Where do they look similair? I can't find it :/
i meant dragonair
and dratini and dunsparace are both snake-like, with wings somewhere on their body.
lolwut, can haz dratini wings?

Seth1789110 said:
well here is a few:

Lucario was never supposed to have a prevo.
Skorupi was supposed to evolve into Gliscor, and Gligar was going to evolve into Drapion.

where did you get info from?
odd this is all 1st gen?
i guess they only had like 100 pokemon, and that was too little, so gastly was supposed to evolve into cloyster, but they split it, so instead of having 2 pokemon, they now have 5!
and i guess same happened to the others.
Pokémaniac said:
Arcanine was going to be a legendary Pokemon! (Emphasis on the fact he is indeed the Legendary Pokemon.)

Hence in the second episode where Arcanine is one the wall along with Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. :)
Juliacoolo said:
What about shelder/cloyster and ghastly? WAYYY to similar.

Maybe Gastly was supposed to evolve... very unlikely, a Ghost/Poison into a Water/Ice, ok they had probably other types then, but still. I don't see Gastly being Water :S

Seth1789110 said:
well here is a few:

Lucario was never supposed to have a prevo.
Skorupi was supposed to evolve into Gliscor, and Gligar was going to evolve into Drapion.
Hmm... very unlikely? resource plz? Gligar and Gliscor share too much similairities, same for Skorupi and Drapion. And why would they make a flying scorpion (gligar) evolve into a land scorpion (drapion) and vice versa?

safariblade said:
Pokequaza said:
safariblade said:
lapras and dragonite's heads look similar
and dratini and dunsparace look slightly... possibly... related

I don't see much similarities... despite they both have a horn ._.

And Dunsparce and Dratini? Where do they look similair? I can't find it :/
I meant dragonair
and dratini and dunsparace are both snake-like, with wings somewhere on their body.
Still, I don't see much similairities between Dragonair and Lapras... There were more between Dragonite and Lapras :/

Dunsparce and Dratini... hmm? Dratini hasn't wings... don't have any similairities... even Ekans does look more like Dratini :/

Pokémaniac said:
Arcanine was going to be a legendary Pokemon! (Emphasis on the fact he is indeed the Legendary Pokemon.)
Yeah, I believe this is really good possible. I read somewhere about Pokemon in the first had only a very few Pokemon. Arcanine could possibly were a legendary.

red blastoise said:
odd this is all 1st gen?
I guess they only had like 100 pokemon, and that was too little, so gastly was supposed to evolve into cloyster, but they split it, so instead of having 2 pokemon, they now have 5!
and I guess same happened to the others.
This wasn't always the case, like said before, they started with very few Pokemon (need to find the resource), but there was something that gave them suddenly the inspiration to make a lot more Pokes...

QWERTYkid911 said:
Hence in the second episode where Arcanine is one the wall along with Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. :)
Yup, here's some evidence... hmm... brings back old memories :3