Strange Weather History Thread


Aspiring Trainer
Lately, I noticed that the state hasn't been getting much snow, and I wonder if it's because of something. Someone told me they think it was the Japan earthquake. It must've been so strong that it even tilted the earth's axis. Maybe that's why we haven't been seeing snow lately in this state.

Anyone else notice these changes in other states? Or is it just me? :(

The above paragraph is going to be removed, but then I guess that the earlier posts in this thread wouldn't make sense. :p Anyways, just what the new title says- post your most memorable, strangest weather that you've ever had. As for me... the weather isn't really that strange. But post! :)
RE: Weather changes? Or is it just me?

Global Warming


But on a serious note, the weather has been really strange lately. In NYC, it was 55 degrees Fahrenheit on New Years Eve/Day, and it was just 65-70 degrees yesterday. Yet strangely enough, it snowed on October 29th -.-
RE: Weather changes? Or is it just me?

Come to think of it, it DID snow before December in my area. But the snow melted away before December. We had very few snow days. And I think I recall it snowing in October...

I don't really think Global Warming has anything to do with the weather change. A earthquake in Japan may be the cause of this. Mother said it even tilted the axis of Earth. o_O
RE: Weather changes? Or is it just me?

I'm not sure what state you are referring to by "this state," but yes, I've noticed a decline in the amount of snow here in Ohio. Like Zorua mentioned, we got snow the early in the season (first week of November here), but it wasn't until early this week that we had any noteworthy accumulation.

While I'm not a global warming skeptic by any means, I don't think it is to blame. Some years will have warmer weather and less snowfall than others. Plus we've yet to hit the halfway point of the season, so there's really no telling what the rest of the year will hold.

Additionally, the last estimate I heard of how much the Japanese earthquake tilted the Earth's axis was about 10 inches (which is hardly noteworthy given the Earth's size in comparison), so I doubt that has much of an effect.
RE: Weather changes? Or is it just me?

Maybe, but last year, we got a lot of snow. A little too much, in fact. I think the schools were closed and we couldn't even play out because of the ice...
Really strange weather we're having.

I wonder if global warming has a huge impact on the weather changes. But then again, we could be just moving closer and closer to the sun. I might just change the name of this thread to "Global Warming?" because it fits the topic. But the current title is more flexible now...
RE: Weather changes? Or is it just me?

Generally speaking, we've had unseasonably warm temperatures here in the Chicago area, and hardly any snow, though all the weather-folks have been saying that we're supposed to get dumped on come late-January, February.
RE: Weather changes? Or is it just me?

The Earthquake in Haiti did knock the Earth off of it's normal axis a measurable amount. You can find this on scientific articles online or in print if you're interested. The temperature of either equator is because of that slight shift in the tilt of the axis. In winter Earth is actually closer to the sun than in spring or summer, but it axis is tilted in such a way that we get less from it.
RE: Weather changes? Or is it just me?

Ah, so I mistook the earthquake in Japan for the one in Haiti. I had a suspicion about a earthquake. But wait, the planet is closer to the sun at this time of the year? So where's a good place in the USA to expect snow now? Alaska? :(

How would the earthquake in Haiti affect us?
RE: Weather changes? Or is it just me?

I can't find any specific measurements of the Haitian earthquake, but the Chilean earthquake in 2010 also shifted the Earth's axis by about 3 inches. Still very negligible, though.
RE: Weather changes? Or is it just me?

During this time of year, the earth is much closer to the sun; however, we are tilted away from the sun, which causes a drop in temperatures.

October was much colder for us than it is now. There has been no snow yet, but temperatures are going to be dropping soon, but not drastically. The earthquakes could possibly contribute to the raise in temperatures that many of us are experiencing, but there are other factors that have a higher chance of contributing to the changes.
RE: Weather changes? Or is it just me?

In Oklahoma, the weather changes just abou every five minutes, so I can't be a judge on this, but I heard about a tornado in New York maybe a year ago...and frankly, that's weird. Of course, whenever theres a tornado here we break out the video cameras, but still, that's weird.

Oh wait, there was something unusual in Oklahoma last year. We had a bunch of earthquakes. They were small, but they still damaged some houses...(I have to get my door fixed since it shifted so that it wouldn't close.)

We haven't had earthquakes here in a long time, so that was surprising.
RE: Weather changes? Or is it just me?

It feels like spring/summer here. Florida has almost no cold days (only two that bizarrely decided to go below freezing). I'm still getting 80s, which is nothing that a winter day would normally see, even here.
RE: Weather changes? Or is it just me?

It's been below zero in Florida as well, and Washington hasn't had snow on Christmas since, like, FOREVER.
Plus all of those sinkholes last summer, that was pretty strange. I sure wonder whats up here. We're STILL in the rain, though that's normal for the Pacific Northwest. Though I feel we should've had some type of snowfall these last few months. I remember being really little, and it snowed EVERY year on Christmas. Now all we get is overcast rain.
Pick it up, Earth!
RE: Weather changes? Or is it just me?

I live in Virginia and we didn't get our first snowfall until last week. But I really don't care since our last 3 winters have been just awful.
RE: Weather changes? Or is it just me?

I'm loving the weather this winter. We've had probably 1-2 inches total snowfall, whereas in previous years we'd have probably 8 inches total by now, with about 3-4 on the ground. Right now it's just grass, and that is perfectly fine by me.
RE: Weather changes? Or is it just me?

anyone who says anything about global warming here will take an arrow to the knee

It HAS been really nice weather lately. We haven't had a day under 35 degrees out, and thats amazing considering we live in Kansas. But I would not put it past Mother Nature to make the winter extend into June because of this :[
RE: Weather changes? Or is it just me?

Weather patterns are weather patterns. They change with time. It's almost like they run in a weird cycle.

Where I live, it is sunny most of the time, but as far as temperature goes, it randomly fluctuates quite a bit, even in the wintertime (occasionally it becomes 80 degrees even in November or February). And then there are the random rainstorms that happen about twice a year but nobody knows when.

It's just the weather. It's not something to fret over.
RE: Weather changes? Or is it just me?

High magnitude earthquakes are often the result in a slight shift in the Earth's axis. Think of how many powerful earthquakes we've had for centuries or even hundreds of years and we've probably have people saying the same thing now as they did then.

The most powerful earthquakes that effected the Earth's climate didn't happen since like 65 million years ago when Pangea split into the continents we know today. Those changes in those tectonic plates I believe resulted in a Ice Age that the Earth went through.
RE: Weather changes? Or is it just me?

Nature is maybe showing some symptoms here in Finland, too. As many of you have already said, December was almost snowless, although it snowed for a few days in November. However, we have got some snow NOW, and it seems like this time it's going to stay.

Last year, iirc, we had too much snow and it was really, really cold. This year it has been really warm... The weather seems to be more extreme then before - hot or freezing. (And three years ago it was extreme too, I think also four years ago...)
It is possible though that I just remember wrongly how the weather was in my childhood, and the fact that I didn't spend it in Finland makes my point of view just more vague.

PS.: Oh, yeah... and then we have had these storms frequently (this December and in late summer 2010). Really bad storms, a bit like small tornados (good that we can't have those over here...). They don't destroy houses, just some ceilings and they fell literally tons of trees etc.
RE: Weather changes? Or is it just me?

Because it's 2012, the world will ever so slowly overheat and we will all die a slow and painful death

OK, really now, weather is weather. We can't accurately predict it. On some days, the doppler says "Rain all day" and we barely get any. On other occasions, the radio says something like "20% chance of rain" and it pours down. If the weather is different than we expect, we have to adapt.