Strategies for hail blizzard gardevoir

You'd probably be better off axing the legend and adding a thicker line of gardy and maybe more mewtwo
The combo I'm about to post is hard to set up, but if you do, it's pretty much game.

- Gardevoir
- Mewtwo EX
- Mismagius UL
- Metagross UL

The idea here is to set up Mewtwo EX with a crap-ton of energy, say 5. Gardevoir's Ability converts those 5 Psychic energy into 10 Psychic energy. Use X-Ball from Mewtwo, and you're dealing 200 damage per turn without penalty. Like I said, it would be hard to set up, but the pay is definetely worth it. Mismagius and Metagross are support Pokemon, who could be secondary attackers, but I'll explain that later. Mismagius' Poke-Power, Psychic Trans, allows you to move Psychic energy around every turn as much as you like, sort of like a Psychic-type Feraligatr Prime. This is very useful if you have a damaged Kirlia, Metang or Misdreavus ready to be KO'd. It can be very useful in a pinch. Metagross' Poke-Body is not as useful as Psychic Trans, but its atacking capability more than makes up for it. Psychic Float gives any Psychic-type with Psychic energy attached a retreat cost of 0. This is great for getting a heavily damage Pokemon out of the line of fire. This idea is good for several reasons. The first is that the Pokemon in this list only have a Psychic or Darkness weakness, and Psychic and Darkness-types are rare in this metagame, bar Zoroark. This deck has only two weak points. The first being Reshiram/Zekrom decks, being themselves Basics with an incredible 130 HP. This breaks the previous records or Chansey from Base Set, and Chansey ex from Ruby & Sapphire. That's a major threat. The other is Stage 1 Rush; Donphan, Yanmega and Zoroark. The only one that is a real threat is Yanmega. Yanmega is one of the very few Pokemon that outpace this deck once it's set up. Sonicboom 3HKOs Mewtwo, so it has plent of time to strike back. Out of the two threats, Reshiram and Zekrom are more dangerous, specifically ReshiPhlosion. That's a strategy I've been wanting to share for a while, and I want to see what you guys think. Comment on it, make a decklist maybe. Thanks.
5 energies would take way too long to set up and also they'd just catcher your techs. Also, mismagius is only once per turn
Do I also have to point out that simply the fact of having three stage one/two techs just make this deck way too inconsistent? Metagross is barely important in your strategy, so I think it would benefit way more to kick it out of the list. Just pointing out the most obvious problem with the idea here.