Pokemon Stuff we didn't really notice 'bout Poke'mon

2 words: baby kangashkaughn (not good speller)
Its weird because when it hatches from an egg, it has a baby in its pouch.
sorry if this is off topic, but Should there be k. excousive attacks like cubone has (babyarang, baby club)?
How do people there in the pokemon world create artificial pokemon? e.g Porygon, II, Z, Mewtwo and Castform? Can these artificial pokemon breed? Can they think on their own minds?
With fossils and DNA..

But I wonder.. Where do all the KOed pokémons go? Like.. When you EVtrain... The caves must be full of knocked out Gravlers..
Im not sure because i.e. Cubone gets its skull from its mother it says on the pokedex, but they also say they find it or somethin....WHICH IS IT!HUH?HUH?
Can Vaporeon really turn into water? or just blend in ( or camouflage ) in a body of water? 1 or 2?
How can a Meowth use Pay Day? where will all those coins be coming from?
Can Persian also use this move?....if so, wouldn't it be weird to see Persian use Pay Day? o_O
Did all current Pokemon originate from an earlier species of ancient pokemon? Like for example... Did the species of Scyther evolve from some species of Kabutops? or are they just created as is? I mean, some pokemon lived in different times, so... which is it?
Theory of Creation or Theory of Evolution?
I think Hitmoncahn has a monster up his skirt....
And Cubone is butt ugly so he doesnt take off his skull helmet.
Farfetch'D has a fetish for onions.
Manaphy produces a Phione only if it breeds with a Ditto. And i think that it can still breed with other pokemon, so there can be a Manaphy egg :D ( if Manaphy is the famale of course )
When Drwzee evolves Does it take a bath. Im just saying, Plus where does all the smoke come from when Koffing blows.Also does Koffing grow a Fungus to evolve
Hey thats a good point. I think if pokemon were real they would have to find those weapons on their own or have someone give it to them. But in anime, theres no rules.
If a Manaphy breeds in Fiore it creates another Manaphy, in Sinnoh however it creates a Phione.
Why do some Pokemon attacks ( Razor Leaf, Explosion ) seem to cut through or destroy things but when it is used on another pokemon or human, there arent any major injuries?
i also noticed that even when you catch a female machoke it still looks like it...(i'm not a perv i'm just asking...)
Can Garchomp really fly? 'cause when i read about him in serebii.net, it says there that he can fly ( it says so when Garchomp was Pokemon of the Week )