Stuff we dont really notice.... ( AnimeTalk Version )

InuMimi said:
In the movie mewtwo returns a nidoqueen had baby nidoqueens? Instead of nidoran. Weird right???

yeah, i saw first i was like "what the? thats not possible." hmm...well i'm guessing the animators of that scene didn't know that when nidoqueens have babies, they should be nidoran f. not baby nidoqueens

probobly because they are clones????
Well everyone hase noticed it but in the battle between Cranidos and Pikachu it looked like they were going super sain from DBZ. sorry for spelling
I have to idmet that does make sense.

But I don't undestand why Ash sent Turtwig up agenst Craniodos he knew it could use Flamethrower what happens with Ash every season is he brainwashed by his Mom's food :p LOL?
What i dont get is Pikachu kills like lv 100 pokemon and cant beet a really SUCKY pokemon???

Ya Ash is dumb. He always made good moves last season and now he makes the really dumb moves.
it's called: the tv show is getting old and bending the fisics of pokemon: Lv15 (about) elekid beats a Lv. 100 (about) Pikachu 0.o or maybe paul is getting lucky.
It Is Notible That Team Rocket (Mainly Meowth) Break The 4th Wall However The Creaters Don't Hide The Fact...
I Think Ash Is 15 By Now... Since His Voice Chaged In The Battel Frontier Series... He Has Hit Pubity Brock Was 17 When The Series Started So He Should Be About 21/22 and Misty Was 13... If May Is Ten How Old Is Max 8 Or Something?
It seems as though the creators of pokemon keep forgeting things. Like the age you get pokemon, and the fact that there needs to be schools. Why don't you send an e-mail to the producers, maybe they will answer these questions.
I hope it hasn't been two weeks yet, but Paul isn't a noob as is pokemon show, example: Torterra/Weavile.
I've always wondered why they never figure out what team rockets disguise is. They are morons. Meowth has his tail showing!
i can see the sinnoh chapion ship : ash's torterra vs. noob's... i mean pauls torterra

don't get me wrong but paul is like the only mean guy in the show..... which challanges ashes skills.... he's a noob cuz how he gets a torterra out of thin air.
I agree. Personally, I think ash is the stupid character in pokemon aside from maybe Psyduck. If he was any smart, he would kick-a with charizard and burn everyone to smoke. I bet Ash wins in the champion ship.
Have you noticed main characters never get powerful pokemon like Garchomp, Gengar, and those kind of pokemon. Wonder why?