Sub vs. Dub


Aspiring Trainer
I created this thread to find out who watches the sub or dub and their reason why.

When Pokémon initially came out in the U.S. I will admit that I watched it from the beginning to about part way of Pokémon Advanced season one. However, once I found out about the original Japanese version of anime-I never looked back. I would say that transition of from Pokémon dub to sub began at Diamond & Pearl. I haven’t seen all of the original subbed episodes but I’ve seen a lot and I’ve mainly watched all of BW as well. I’ve seen almost all the movies with subs of course and it is beyond phenomenal. I’ve to the best of my ability refer to all of the characters/Pokémon to their Japanese names as it’s their original names respectfully.
I'm with you on this. Growing up, the TV show woke me up every Saturday morning. Lots of great memories...

Now, the anime is only bearable in Japanese. The quality has gone down, and the obnoxious English voices are too much for me.
Jay said:
I'm with you on this. Growing up, the TV show woke me up every Saturday morning. Lots of great memories...

Now, the anime is only bearable in Japanese. The quality has gone down, and the obnoxious English voices are too much for me.

That's what I like to hear-I mean, I respect everyone's personal preference to watch the dub version of any anime however, I simply cannot. In my honest opinion, it completely shatters the experience that you desire to have when watching anime lol
I try to watch the dub when possible, but I certainly don't mind subtitles, as they can be better in some cases.
I love subs a lot more than dubs; in anime and other series. The subs often show better how it was intended to be. I also like the Japanese language and it is nicer for me to listen to the original voices.
Started out with dubs, but slowly made the transition to subs when I started to watch anime online. The constant editing for the dubs and some of the voice actors is another reason why I made the transition. I do, however, watch Pokemon both in dub and sub, but tend to watch all other anime in their original, unedited form.
I agree with those of you who stated that the JPN voice acting is more preferred. In my opinion, there is something about it that simply feels right however there are these rare instances where ENG voice acting have been pleasant to the ears.
I've tried to get into subs but I just can't. I find that I enjoy watching a lot more in a dub, mostly because I don't like hearing "excited Japanese" as I call it. It is more emotional, certainly, but it doesn't come off as pleasant to me. And if I'm going to be honest, it's not very often when I don't like an English cast. I prefer my dubs for the more mature shows, which I usually watch. But for the Pokemon anime, I feel like the subbed versions actually do it a bit of justice. The whiny Englsh kids voices can sometimes get annoying if you haven't acquired a tolerance for them (like I have with Ash).

Ugh, even still, I was watching an episode just today where Ash (or rather, I should say Sarah) was just not in proper character for the scene, like I could even do better. She does this often too.
I started watching anime in the mid- to late-90s, mostly watching 80s and 90s show, and unfortunately that was the era of terrible dubs. Hyperbolic reactions, horrible localization (5 points to anyone who remembers Tenchi Muyou characters getting drunk off of "tea"), and bland character acting. I started watching subs as soon as I could get my hands on them, either as a sub feature on DVDs, or eventually watching fansubs.

My preferences have carried over since that time, and I still prefer subs, even though I admit a lot of the dubs are much better now than they used to be. There's even a show where I prefer the dubs (Cowboy Bebop) and a good number of dubs I actually enjoy watching (Disney Ghibli/Miyazaki films, mostly). Otherwise, I always default to the sub option.
All Anime in General, I am a slave to the DUB. I watch a lot with my Girlfriend, she won't watch unless it's dubbed. I watch Ghibli Films dubbed, I find it easier. I do plan to watch some sub, but I watch on DVD and Blu Ray only, I don't like watching online. So it's cheaper for the Dub versions rather than importing.
I mostly watch subbed anime mainly because the majority of animes I've seen are only released in Japan.

There are a few dubs I prefer over their Japanese dubs. Cowboy Bebop and Death Note are two good examples for this.
I must say...

I originally like the dub version of anime, only because I used to find reading the subs on shows annoying..

But now..

When ever I begin to watch and Anime I have to have it in subbed. Can't stand the English voice actors.
My main preference is to watch the anime (well the only anime I watch now is Pokemon) in its original Japanese with no subtitles, the subs are too distracting. Only once do I want to see it subtitled just to understand what is being said, after that no more subtitles.

For a few months (since mid May) I been watching the dub more, not the English language dub, but in my native language Spanish. For me, the jokes and puns are much more funnier and make more sense than the English language dub. The only thing that still bothers me today is Meowth's Spanish Voice Actor (Gerardo Vasquez), it sounds to "nasily-whiny" voice.
It depends on the show. Sometimes the show is better for me in English, such as Bleach and Steins;Gate (Too-Doo-Roo sounds so much better in English than in Japanese, for some reason), and sometimes sub is better, for instance, Psycho Pass, where I can't imagine their voices any other way.
Actually, I wouldn't watch Pokemon any other way! I like the voice actors, although admittedly sometimes the voices are a bit strange. Its grown on me and I like watching Pokemon dubbed a lot. Like Elite Stride said, I just can't get my head around subs and It'd be very rare for me to dislike an english dub because I just find it more enjoyable in english.
Subs > Dubs


Anime is Japanese, let the Japanese do the voices right (which they always do) Japanese versions also ensure you that almost no scene is cut and shortened and all the context is retained because most fansubbers are kind enough to leave notes about Japanese culture references.
I like to watch anime (or anything, for that matter) subbed solely because the original language is defined. It's often directed better too as the original voice actors are working with the team who write and create the anime. You shouldn't watch subs just because of Otaku culture but because they reflect characters much better. Tones of voice are expressed much better in the original languages.

99% of dubs are absolutely god awful. Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star (maybe Evangelion) are probably the only good dubs I have watched. Everything else is cringe worthy since you're just watching a bunch of people try to imitate Japanese speech in English. It's just horrible.

And don't give me anything on "don't want to read".
I heard the Madoka Magica dub was good.

But the main reason why I watch subs is mostly because of asking myself this question:

"Who would do a better job of voicing a Japanese show? The Japanese or the Americans?"

This specifically applies even more to music-based anime. The voice actresses the Japanese hire for these anime are really singers which most Americans won't be able to replicate.
Well there is a defining line then, between those who enjoy Dub and Sub. Obviously no answer is right or wrong. If dub is available I will watch it, I prefer dub. Sure it's a Japanese film, doesn't mean I should be restricted to the Japanese language.