Substitution for Uxie X


Aspiring Trainer
Let's face it, not all of us have Uxie X. For those who don't, is there a viable substitute that can take it's place. Maybe not necesarily metagame status, but something origonal. I was thinking Dodrio SV Any thoughts?
I know that it doesn't replace the search but how about Physic Bind Mespirit? It is a good card and if you have an extra space in your deck why not run it?
Because deckroom is different then benchroom?
Meh, there isn't a real replacement. The beauty in Uxie X is that it keeps an Uxie engine going. Dodrio gets slaughtered by both Luxray AND Garchomp...which stings.
Pokedex handy910 whatever it is called.. it's a trainer that has basically the same effect, except it is only a one time use.
Lou Cypher said:
Because deckroom is different then benchroom?
Meh, there isn't a real replacement. The beauty in Uxie X is that it keeps an Uxie engine going. Dodrio gets slaughtered by both Luxray AND Garchomp...which stings.

Not only that, but Noctowl is just as bad. I would consider just running two Uxie LA, and Call Energy for a beneficial set-up. Sableye is gonna explode in popularity, because you can go for a Collector, nab that Uxie and two Basics you need to get going, and hope for a strong start. Magnezone Prime will see play in the future, but being a Stage-Two, I'm not so sure if I'd run it myself.
Slowking Prime is coming out in the next set, and it's similar to Uxie. You'd have to run a few Underground Expedition/Dusk Ball to make it work, though.
It falls under why Noctowl and Dodrio sucks also, but Staraptor FB Lv.X is not bad because you can search for any supporter for the current situtation... If you need energy, search for Interviewer's Question, etc. Need Healing, search for Bertha's Warmth [although it's only for SP]... You get the idea...
I don't think Magnezone Prime should even be run in a Magnezone deck (well that's because Magnetic Search adds more speed to that deck, idk about other decks...

I say a supporter-based draw/search engine can be alright, possibly with Staraptor FB.
I think that slowking prime is going to be a good replacement for the people who dont have Uxie x. I mean I know your opponet gets to choose. And that its better to play a Uxie on your ench and then Uxie X it but, I still think it could work.
You could play Slowking Prime along with the normal Slowking. Let Slowking rearrange the top 3 cards, put the card you need next turn on the bottom of those 3. Let your opponent pick from the lesser two options, and next turn (barring disruption) you draw the card you wanted.
Slowking is worse than noctowl in most cases. Think about it. Would you rather have one random card, or a card that your opponent thinks you can't use?