Summer Vacation

Technically my "summer" started May 5th, but since part of my college graduate program involves summer classes, I'm not actually on vacation until late June. I already took a trip to Florida, and I have other trips planned for when classes end, pretty much coast-to-coast. I'll be in California for a bit, and NYC as well.
I'll be chillaxin at my house, no big plans for me this summer. Fishing, basketball, shopping, ordinary stuff. :D
I guess I'm techniquely going to be on summer break until possibly October XD Right now I'm just working at my job, but in July I'm leaving America to go to Japan and visit my fiancee and begin my job hunting in the city we're going to be living in when we get married in March. Hopefully, I can find a job on this visit and the the process for a working visa going so I can just stay there with her on that working visa until we get married, lol. Just need to finish my resume and then I can apply for teaching jobs =D
I'm going to go and visit my relatives and possibly go to where my dad works during the week. (I get off school June 17). I'm also planning on having lots of sleepovers and hanging out with friends.
I get to Golf EVERY day of the Summer! In the 100 degree heat! And I have 27 More Golf Tournys...
Just got the confirmation for my "job!" I'm going to be officially working at the barn for most of the summer!
Something I forgot to mention about my summer:

I will try to work on my flexibility (I am so still most of the time) and I will also try to train for the mile-run in school, even though I'm about the 4th best in my class. I just want to get an even better time.
Yeah... trying for a summer job.
No one has called me back yet. :[

But I'm happy that school is out so far, but I know that after a few months, I will get bored and be ready to be a senior.

Does anyone else have summer assignments? I have two books + an essay for english and one book for history.
Im gonna go on pokebeach dawgs, well that and go to the beach, we be in NJ, I can go anytime I want
I'm probably not going anywhere exciting this summer (I am however going to see the Black Keys and Cage the Elephant in concert in July). I did go on a cruise to the Bahamas in the spring with my wife. That was pretty fun. :D
Recording songs, going to Michigan, visiting my grandmother, visiting my daddy, and WORKING OUT!!!! I really need to work out.....other than that nothing much really.
I still have 8 days of school left >.> however 5 days are ffilled with activities and stuff so I'm good. Probably not gonna go anywhere interesting, except if I'm lucky nats, and if i'm luckier, worlds. So yeah.
I still have 10 days of school left.

The fist few and the last few days of school is the best.