News 'Sun and Moon Strengthening Expansion Pack'

And how would you know what's "fine for pros"?
Pros. Professionals when it comes to TCG. Why I said that because I believe that it will be staple in some decks like Special Charge does

Maybe they are the ones from the actual English set, I guess. At least we beat them
Assuming you played Ranger in order to be able to play the Enhanced Hammer. Xerosic might be a better example in your point.
Oh yeah, good point haha! Toad wasn't the only thing running through my mind, just one of the main DCE attackers that came to mind. But yeah, in my example you're right, I should've said Xerosic. Even more important not wasting a Xerosic as well, since it's a Supporter.
Pros. Professionals when it comes to TCG. Why I said that because I believe that it will be staple in some decks like Special Charge does

Maybe they are the ones from the actual English set, I guess. At least we beat them
That wasn't my question.
How would you know wether a certain card will or won't be a staple? You said that it will be "fine for pros" but is it really?
That wasn't my question.
How would you know wether a certain card will or won't be a staple? You said that it will be "fine for pros" but is it really?
Because Mr. Braviary, I believe that Multi-Switch will be use in some decks as an Emergency Card if the energies were put on nowhere and needed for an attack.
Because Mr. Braviary, I believe that Multi-Switch will be use in some decks as an Emergency Card if the energies were put on nowhere and needed for an attack.

Then, I would assume that you would categorize yourself as a Professional Player of PTCG?
To be fair, would a scrub use Pokebeach?

Well, there WAS one Member I'm thinking of, but will not mention because I'm not that mean of a person... :p

No, no. As a community, we do very well in teaching each other important lessons and ideas that make us grow as players, much more so than other PTCG communities I've seen, at least. I was just teasing him a bit is all (we actually talked about it already).

Now, back to the discussion of Multi-Switch, I do wonder if people will also use things like the new Rayquaza for more Energy Acceleration, since for a DCE, he can add...2? Energy to a Benched Pokemon (I think it's 2, but I can't remember). It seems very good, especially for decks like M Mewtwo Y, Yveltal-EX, heck, even Raikou BKT, who can become incredibly tanky with Fighting Fury Belt. Thinking on it, both Raikou and Rayquaza have a lot of good synergy since they're both Basic Pokemon (same with Yveltal-EX of course, but Raikou is a Non-EX, so that helps with Prize trading).

There's so much to play with this upcoming format and this is the first Pack. I'm excited!

I like the effect of Doom News, but you would need a way to stop them from retreating...
Interesting card. As for the question, that art is too stellar to pass up the opportunity to say it's art is better :p
very pretty art, as for the text... well it could work in expanded.

some absol and sableye/baby yveltal so we can cycle dark patch/oblivion wing for faster energy attach. hypnotoxic laser or ariados to poison and dragalge FLF to prevent retreat. add a few hammers to slow our opponent from attacking

alternatively we could do things that increase retreat cost like team aqua's secret base combined with the hammers, would need stuff to prevent stuff that sets retreat to zero though like float stone.
I can see this working well with team aqua's secret base + Hammers + Toxapex, Might be a deck I would run to annoy people.