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Super Annoying Energy Discarding Deck! (Furfrou / Magnezone / Hammers)


Now With Sablenite!

  • 4 Furfrou XY
    2 Victini LTR
    2-1-2 Magnezone PLS
    2-2 Slurpuff XY

  • 4 Juniper
    3 Shauna
    3 Skyla
    2 Colress
    4 Team Flare Grunt
    2 Pal Pad
    4 Ultra Ball
    4 Crushing Hammer
    3 Enhanced Hammer
    1 ACE SPEC (probably Dowsing Machine)
    1 Sacred Ash
    3 Fairy Garden

  • 7 Fairy
    4 DCE

Making this list for a friend. His strategy is to use Furfrou's attack to discard the opponents energy and be "super annoying". Fliptini is there to boost the odds of getting heads on Furfrou's attack. We have Magnezone PLS to allow us to play 2 Team Flare Grunts or any other supporter per turn. Slurpuff cancels statuses since he has no Virizion EX. Hammers are there to discard even more energy. Pal pad is to shuffle in more grunts, Skylas, etc... Any tips?
Hey this deck idea is great!

as a side project, ive been working on a energy discard strategy myself, both on pokemon Online as well as tcg..

the basic structure is here but let me offer some of my personal suggestions

1) magnezone for 2 supporters seems very good but ultimately not worth it. i cant emphasize enough how stage 2 that cant attack just for an ability is not great and pretty slow. you need something that can attack effectively for PRIZES as backup to Frouf- as it will almost always get 1-shot- once an opponent realizes the deck's strategy they will try to power up in 1 turn, and a smart opponent will stop attaching energys carelessly
a) something like raichu line to trade favorably with Yveltal EX
b) Pyroar if you expect to play a lot of decks that rely on basics
c) +/- a garbador line to shutoff specials since realistically froufrou's does virtually nothing and there will be specials worth shutting down over your Victini
d) choose something powerful based on your meta that you can reliably take prizes with
1-2 "Fliptini" seems fine

Slurpuff line is great idea, i currently testing deck with slurpuff and an aromatise line- makes it very easy to get the 3rd energy on froufrou consistently
still figuring out the best compliments/ supports // back up for froufrou but i think fairy is the right idea

3 Shauna is too many- put in some N's and/or a Bianca
3 Skyla seems decent
Im testing with 0-1 pal pad right now- might get cut
4 Ultra ball seems like a lot- you need 4x level ball since most of what you need to search is under 90hp
Ace spec- yeah computer search or DM
sacred ash seems unnecessary or replace with super rod
4 TF Grunt yes
4 Crushing hammer yes
3 Enhanced hammer yes maybe 4 depending on meta
but where is hypnotoxic laser? yes the card is overplayed but its very disruptive and can buy a turn or two with some lucky flips- its great for this type of deck for the sleep alone
pokemon catcher might be viable in this deck- i run them for added disruption

as for the stadium. ive been using 1-2 fairy garden as well but might contemplating the possibility of 1 virbank

if you want to keep magnezone i would add rare candy to evolve it more quickly to start abusing its ability

that's all i got.. thanks for reading

hope this was helpful ^_^
If pyroar is a problem, miltoic FLF, it turns magnezone into a viable turn after turn attacker and has type advantage, in all theory wouldn't it just be better to run magnezone as a main attacker with fufrou? though running a fast turn after turn EX as well is a pretty good idea such as Deoxys EX, colress machine and plasma with a stack or rainbow and prisim, that way you combat decks that are generally made to combat you and power up magnezone to take out 100-120 hp evos and basics designed to lock your deck.

fliptini doesn't effect catcher, it effects attacks such as furfrou stall which just gets slaughtered by a tech rush-in retreat, assuming that you are playing paralyze furfrou instead of ability furfrou, which is just an inferior buffolant.

I would say 4 pal pad, there is no harm in over kill in a deck made to take out energy off of the bench and active, virizion and grass is more viable then slurpuff, if he doesn't proxy it.

I think I might make this deck for league tomorrow.
Personally i don't think Magnezone is a viable attacker for this deck because its too slow, the goal is to setup froufrou as fast as possible hopefully with fliptini and start discarding all their energy

i think Froufrou paired with an easy-to-set-up attacker like Raichu (1 DCE) a card that counters several of the most popular decks seems good, and maybe even Garbador

oh yeah, you're right i forgot Fliptini only works with attacks.

have you tried 4 pal pad before? i think 4 is really excessive and unnecessary, and you are much more likely to deck yourself with 3-4 (unless you shuffle only skylas, which is highly unlikely). i think 2 is plenty (mainly because you're shuffling the supporters back into your library so you're not guaranteed to draw them back again anytime soon, unless its very late game in which case you don't want to risk decking yourself), random receiver might almost be better, or maybe 1 of each....

I would not say that Virizion is automatically more viable- fairy offers the potential of energy mobility with Aromatise and NON-EX's (Xyrneas for example)
first of all Verizion is an EX so its risky in that it offers 2 prizes ( 1 strength of this deck idea is that you have all NON-EX to trade with your opponents EX)
And Second its weak to fire- a really popular type right now so you give yourself a weakness to a commonly played deck.

despite that i still think Virizion might be worth trying out with a slightly different build. Thanks for reminding me that card exists!

just my personal thoughts..

do it!

post a list and let us know how your matches go
After this I made quad magnezone 1 milotic and tested it on playtcg.me, it did fairly well, not the best deck out there but it did fairly well, milotic and ditto had no problem in turning magnezone into an out of no where turn 2 gyro ball attacker with ultra ball, profs letter and energy grace (look it up before you post again please), 4 pal pad went a long way in making certain that I had sufficient supporters throughout all games to consistently apply pressure with team flare grunt, I played 3 of each and ended up getting rid of the e hammers for alternative cards and just played grunts with crushing hammers I found more coverage overall. The plan for pal pad supporter grab 2 grunt in hand use one that turn as well and save one for the turn after, play the grunt, pal pad, supporter, 2 grunts in your hand for the turn after, the whole point of pal pad and magnezone is to give options. Even if you play 2 pal pad and 4 team flare grunt that will only last half way through the game 4 will last until you have no deck to barely any cards to bring back that deck for you, you have to account juniper draws ultra balls for setup, that and the fact that the list plays a very fine amount of cards for the engine already, 4 pal pad is insurance for the late game team flare grunt, were 2 cannot, consistency is consistency, and even after testing it's not really over kill its actually just good deck building considering the limited amount of supporters you already play in your deck.

Playing a basic and an energy the same turn is more viable then playing the energy and then waiting the turn after to evolve, your opponent will then see furfrou as a low risk attacker and then see what else you have to attack with, after assessing that you create zero threat, lysandre out the swirlx and take the easy prize that dilutes it's lasers, where as virizion can tank the hit swirlx can't by 110 hp. fire is not really popular in my meta, is it popular in his meta? And even so, virizion/genesect/raichu can still thrive in a fire based meta, not impossible.

This isn't really a place where you post your list, this is a place where you talk about this guys list, which I hope that this explained more on milotic more on 3-4 pal pad the fact that having a lot of team flare grunt in principle is not the best thing, less is better with more pal pad as more pal pad means more late game flare grunt and virizion is always a clearly easier tech, so proxy it, peace.
The deck was played at a local tourney today and it held its own. Problems were that it didn't have enough damage output.