Super Multi Battle Maison Team

Team Rocket Fan

Team Rocket Lover and Humble Katy Cat!
Rate my Super Multi Battle Maison Team pls!!!
All I ask for is:
How far you think this team can arrive (Number of Streak)
Advice for Moveset, Evs etc. (I don't want advice on what pokemon I should use instead of those)
Everyone can feel FREE to express their opinions without being rude :) (It's not rude to give low ranks, but it's offencive to use words like "This pokemon sucks!")

My Friend's:

Special Attacker-(Mega) Charizard (Y)@Blaze-Draught@Timid@Charizardnite Y
-Heat Wave
-Solar Beam
-Air Slash
-Focus Blast
Evs: 252 SPATK, 252 SPD, 4 HP

Strategy: Draught power ups Heat Wave which is a powerful STAB that hits both opponents with a chance to burn while also makes Solar Beam strike only in one turn and hits rock and water types a lot. Air Slash is a good STAB with a good flinch chance and Focus Blast hits rock types really hard. The Evs and nature are made for a clear sweeper.


Special Attacker-Victreebel@Chlorophyll@Timid@Life Orb
-Solar Beam
-Sludge Bomb
-Weather Ball
Evs: 252 SPATK, 252 SPD, 4 HP

Strategy: Solar Beam strikes in one turn and it's also a really powerful STAB with 100 accurasy while Sludge Bomb is also a powerful STAB that may poison the foe. Protect is used when Victreebel is first sent out, because Draught will be activated when Charizard mega evolves on the first turn, so Victreebel will double SPD due to Chlorophyll on the second turn. Weather Ball, doubles power and becomes Ffire type which hits steel types hard. The Evs and nature are for MAX SPD and great SPATK with Life Orb.

My Friend's:

-Light Screen
-Heal Pulse
-Helping Hand
Evs: 252 HP, 252 DEF, 4 SPDEF

Strategy: Gardevoir can be preety bulky and a great supporter with the Dual Screens, Heal Pulse to help my pokemon out and make them able of taking more hits, along with Helping Hand to power up my moves too! While her SPDEF is already too high I needed to put every last one of the Evs in HP and DEF, along with the nature. Sychronize will copy a Toxic/Will-o-Wisp used on Gardevoir and sent it to the opponent. Is great for walls and supporters.


Physical Attacker-Raticate@Guts@Jolly@Flame Orb
-Sucker Punch/Crunch(Help me out)
-Iron Tail/Wild Charge(Advice for here too)
252 ATK, 252 SPD, 4 HP

Strategy: Raticate's first move will be Protect so he'll get burned. Then Guts will be activated and Facade will KO almost every pokemon in the Batlle Maison, while Sucker Punch is to deal with faster pokemon and finish them off, while also works great with ghost types, although for this itCrunch works better as it always hits. Iron Tail deals with rock types while Wild Charge can hit Skarmory hard. MAX SPD will help Raticate a lot as he'll be able to outspeed many other pokemon and with the power f Gardevoir's Helping Hand, he will OHKO many times.

Well, what do you think!!!!?
I'd like all the pokemon to stay the same pls! Thank you! :D
RE: Rate our Super Multi Battle Maison Team !

Did you know you can both use a Mega?
Without an offensive move Gardevoir is total taunt bait. You could try giving it moonblast and Gardeviorite. Apart from that I can't give much more help.
If you insist on playing Dual Screens Gardevoir (which, in my opinion, is a set outclassed by many other Dual Screeners but w/e), run Light Clay.