Super Nova Sun Boost: A Sun Team


Hey everyone! I haven't been posting lately mainly because I've either been on vaca or building my team for competitive play. That being said I actually finished the prototype and would like you to give me your opinions. Please keep in mind that it is my first team so please don't hate.

The Team

~Energy Ball
~Sunny Day
~Flame thrower

Espeon-Female-Magic Bounce-Timid-Light Clay
~Light Screen
~Morning Sun

~Stealth Rock
~Toxic Spikes
~Rapid Spin
~Volt Switch

Victini-Genderless-Victory Star-Jolly-Life Orb
~Fusion Bolt
~Zen Headbutt

Sawsbuck-Male-Chlorophyll-Jolly-Life Orb
~Swords Dance
~Horn Leech
~Nature Power

Blissey-Female-Natural Cure-Bold-Leftovers
~Flame Thrower

Explanations &Strategy

Ninetales: The main Pokemon of this team that makes it possible to run. She's basically in there to set up the sun, get early status, and sweep if possible. Sunny day is there to scare weather starters out.

Espeon: I sometimes start off with her, she's basically part of the team to set up walls, stall, and KO pokes with weakness.

Forretress: Kind of self-explanatory. Basically sets up rocks, spikes, and rapid spins opponents entry hazards away.

Victini: The main attacker of this team. After my opponent is weakened the plan is to bring in Victini and sweep them. This is made easy by a sun boosted v-create and other variables.

Sawbuck: This poke abuses it's power chlorophyll and is designed to take out fire's weaknesses. I am open to switching for venasaur or another great grass type.

Blissey: In here to of course take hits and offer as a safe switch in. Toxic can cripple pokes, wish can revive allies, and flamethrower gets a boost from the sun.

My final thought is that in my opinion I think this team could use a bunch of work. I tested it multiple times and it doesn't seem to do the trick sometimes (probably just my awful gameplay). I would like you guys to brain storm some techs for T-Tar and sand teams in general. Thanks for reading my list!
Because Ninetales has Drought and Sunny Day, I would suggest Solar Beam instead of Energy Ball.

Forretress should have Spikes instead of Toxic Spikes. Toxic Spikes works better for bulky teams which your team really isn't.

Sawsbuck I would really suggest Return instead of Double Edge because then it won't take recoil while still dishing out large damage. It still has 102 base power before STAB.

Blissey just has too low of Special Attack to make Flamethrower that damaging. I'd suggest Seismic Toss instead. It also lets Blissey be able to defeat Heatran that don't run Torment + Substitute.
Agreed with everything Arceus said. Also, Heatran walls 5/6 of your Pokemon, and you have too many open threats such as sub Chandelure, Ddance Dragonite, etc. I suggest remodeling your team from scratch and making sure all or most of the major OU threats are covered. See a threat list of OU threats on one of the RMTs for further details, or make one yourself.
Why was this approved when the descriptions are too short?

I'll give you a week to add more beef to the descriptions before I have to lock this thread. If you want advice, go with what Emvee said. You're weak to a lot of common things in OU.
Thanks for all the help. Anything to help me win against sandstorm teams? Comfort I hope you don't lock my thread I just don't know enough to really beef up my descriptions.
Silver, if you're confused with how you should format your descriptions and what info you should include in it, check out some of the other RMTs for further details. As for your problem with SS teams, I have a few solutions to your problem. The first of which is to keep a back up gimmicky pokemon with sunny day, such as blissey. In case your ninetales dies, it will keep your opponent off guard and might lead them to making a careless mistake such as letting their tyranitar die, allowing you to set up the sun again with your back up pokemon. You could also keep a pokemon on your team that is adaptable to weather changes such as scarf landorus, which would create a great diversity to your sun team, while helping you to eliminate many normal threats to sun teams such as tyranitar, gliscor, etc. Hope this helps.
Definately Return over Double Edge on Sawsbuck

Take out Energy Ball, and Sunny day, make them Solar Beam, and Protect. Because protect is very valuable on a weather starter (forgots the words :p)

Other than that it looks great. But if you're having issue's with sand teams, try running a Slowbro in it, it really helps :)
Martini, you have a good point about switching Double Edge for Return, however, your other 2 points are invalid. True, Protect is a great move for weather inducers to have, but on the sunny day set for Ninetales, Solarbeam and Sunny Day are vital. Also, Slowbro isn't a solution to sand teams because it can't handle banded Tyranitar.