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Super Safeguard (Suicune / Sigilyph / Donphan)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 2 Suicune
    2 Sigilyph
    4 Phanpy
    3 Donphan
    1 Mr. Mime
    2 Pikachu
    2 Raichu
    1 Voltorb
    1 Electrode
    1 Jirachi EX

  • 3 Skyla
    2 Lysandre
    3 Professor Juniper
    1 Pokemon Fan Club
    3 Shauna
    2 Colress
    4 Float Stone
    2 Evosoda
    2 Startling Megaphone
    2 Training Center
    2 Muscle Band
    3 Ultra Ball
    1 Switch
    1 Professor's Letter
    1 Computer Search

  • 2 Double Colorless Energy
    7 Fighting Energy

This deck is all about preventing damage from attack, most likely EX pokemon. Get Donphan out to use spinning turn to switch it with a Pokemon on your bench. Get a Suicune or a Sigilyph with a float stone to switch out back and forth so an EX Pokemon cant attack. Mr. Mime to prevent damage to the bench. Raichu for circle circuit for an easy 100 damage. Then Electrode for the Magnetic Draw power.
all sounds good.
but almost all players have a Lysandre....
and I know zero players who run an EX exclusive deck. they always have a basic/stage1/stage2.
give it a try...
I would say this deck has a really good start with your list but I would add a 4th Donphan and it needs at least one big Basic to act as a wall if need be. I think there's a better option besides Raichu as a partner as well especially with only 2 DCE. You have a good idea for sure, but It needs a little more to it.
As of right now, i only have 3 Donphans to use, otherwise i would have 4 and what would be better then raichu and then a good EX eather a fighting pokemon or a normal type probubly.