Super Uber Custom Attack Game: Initials


Seven days...
Mapleboy86 said:
Somebody should do a thread like this, only instead, you use your initials.

Wish granted.

First Name:
A - Atomic
B - Blazing
C - Cataclismic
D - Dangerous
E - Explosive
F - Fiery
G - Ghastly
H - Hyper
I - Intense
J - Jiggly
K - Killer
L - Long-lasting
M - Mega
N - Nuclear
O - Obliviating
P - Powerful
Q - Quick
R - Righteous
S - Strong
T - Terrific
U - Ultimate
V - Violent
W - Wonder
X - Excellent
Y - Young
Z - Zoologic

Yeah, I'm running out of ideas here, so some of these attacks will have humorous names.

Middle Name:
A - Air
B - Boulder
C - Coffee
D - Dynamic
E - Egg
F - Flying
G - Ghost
H - Haunting
I - Icy
J - Jumping
K - King
L - Lobster
M - Microphone
N - Noobish
O - Octazooka
P - Pretty
Q - Quirky
R - Rain
S - Sand
T - Thunder
U - Uber
V - Volt
W - Water
X - X-Ray
Y - Yes
Z - Zebra

Last Name:
A - Aura
B - Blast
C - Claw
D - Dive
E - Explosion
F - Flame
G - Grip
H - Hell
I - Implosion
J - Jab
K - Kill
L - Lunge
M - Mash
N - Noogie
P - Punch
Q - Quill
R - Repeat
S - Stick
T - Trick
U - Undoing
V - Victory
W - Whallop
X - Extreme
Y - Yell
Z - Zest

My attack is Strong Sand Noogie.
Jiggly rain claw :p but my sisters is strong coffee claw, I like mine better.
My family in this thread:
Sister - Jiggly Egg Noogie
Brother - Righteous Sand Noogie
Other Sister - Atomic Jumping Noogie
Mother - Dangerous Sand Noogie
Father - Fiery Rain Noogie (WTF?)
EDIT: I tried putting W Tf as the W for first name, but that didn't work, so I replaced it with Wonder.