
@Cyndalaphlosion- Oliphants ftw!
I just had an idea for an awesome superpower. The ability to use the force, but like the mental part. You know, "you will let us go" "I will let you go" type thing.
No matter how many times people ask this question, I always give the same answer.

I'd love to be a Jedi. Or Sith, whatever works best. :D

And I mean, the whole package--mind manipulation, mind reading, the ability to shoot lightning bolts from your fingertips, and of course telekinesis. Plus super-fast reflexes, and in some cases, the ability to see into the future. Who wouldn't want all that?
The best combination power is this:
All the abilities of a Super-Saiyan, plus a suit like Iron Man's. Epic pure power. Imagine it.
I have always fantasized about having regenerative or healing abilities - grow your arm back AND save money on health care!

My offensive superpower would definitely be telekinesis; the manipulation of mass has a myriad of purposes. Trouble in traffic? No problem! The unmitigated magnitude of your brain waves can easily change the four o'clock rush hour into a mayhem of overturned vehicles strewn by the highway. Parting the mechanical sea is easy as '1, 2, Out of my way!'
Zenith said:
The power to punch people over the Internet.
You, sir, have chosen the best superpower imaginable.

I'd want the power of dryer freshening: Everything I touch is now given that wonderful, fresh out of the dryer smell. It'd be cool until I try to eat something. >_>

Edit; X-Ray vision would suck. If you care to disagree, think about being around a bunch of people. Yay, sucky power.
Actually, now that i think a bit more about it, a real cool power to have would be the ability to conceal weapons.

In the Anim Dot Hack//GU, the characters have different weapons and what not. However, what makes it cool is that when they want to use a sword (for example) they reach over their shoulder and grab an invisable handle, and as they do, this weapon handle appears and the weapon is soon revealed.

What makes this great is that you can have any kind of weapon regardless of the size, and it is litteral "not there" when its not in use. But when you need it, you can just reach back for it as though its sitting in plain sight.
Maybe I would want something like "be able to fly", I know it's an old one but still sounds cool.
The manipulation of Chaos which involves turning thoughts into reality. This is Shadow the Hedgehog's power. He uses it to create the Chaos Blast and Chaos Control(which is basically teleportation).