Supporters Showdown


Hey guys, what's up. Let's see which supporter do you guys prefer in your decks in multiple copies. I personally prefer Mary's Request since my deck is quick and fast on the draw. I also like to side in Bill's Maintanence and Scott.
I'm afraid those supporters will be OHKO'ed very soon when the format changes. I love those but I can't use them anymore.
No, they will, they are in Furthest Ends of Offense and Defense.

But why Bill's Maintenance? That card is horrible. And Scott is only good in some select decks.
If it runs a lot of supporters, then Scott is BAD. If that's the case, then you will draw into them quite easily, so it is pointless to play a supporter that basically does nothing. Unless you are playing a deck that locks a stadium or something of the sort, then you shouldn't really play Scott.

How is Bill good? We have Steven's Advice, Holon Adventurer, Mary's Request, Holon Scientist, and TV Reporter which are all superior straight draw cards. Discarding a card is MUCH better than shuffling it into your deck.
well I prefer to shuffle a card into a deck than discarding it. I figure that if a card is in a deck is that it has a use in play and every card counts and since my deck runs VERY quickly well shuffling one card into a deck doesn't affect me.
Do you not run Jirachi? Or Plusle? Or any other starter? If so, then discarding would help you a lot. Do you not run cards like Pokémon Retriever? I find it really hard to believe that every card counts so much that you HAVE to keep it in the deck.
Holon supporters are just bad, realy bad. They can be run only in delta decks and in other decks are they just usseales. Bills mainatance issnt so bad Whicker, yes but TV reporter is better. You can discard a card after you draw 3 cards.
RE:  Supporters Showdown

nigafiga said:
Holon supporters are just bad, realy bad. They can be run only in delta decks and in other decks are they just usseales. Bills mainatance issnt so bad Whicker, yes but TV reporter is better. You can discard a card after you draw 3 cards.

I guess as a strictly unlimited player, that has to be your opinion. In modified, the majority of the decks use the Holon engine to set themselves up. They are made that way for a reason. The Holon supporters are great, and they are easily the most used supporters right now, and will continue to be as the new rotation comes into play.
i really like celio's network.
i'm new to the game. . .and when i first saw this card. . .i was very impressed with it. search your deck for any evo/basic i'm in need of, without having to rely on luck (flipping a coin)? wow.
twitch_77 said:
i really like celio's network.
i'm new to the game. . .and when i first saw this card. . .i was very impressed with it. search your deck for any evo/basic i'm in need of, without having to rely on luck (flipping a coin)? wow.

Yes, its great. but you cant search for a EX :(
And welcome to the game :)
nigafiga said:
twitch_77 said:
i really like celio's network.
i'm new to the game. . .and when i first saw this card. . .i was very impressed with it. search your deck for any evo/basic i'm in need of, without having to rely on luck (flipping a coin)? wow.

Yes, its great. but you cant search for a EX :(
And welcome to the game :)

hehe. . .no probs for me. ex's are a bit out of my price range for now anyhow :p
. . .
how long can i resist spending 10+ bucks on a single though? lol probably not long. ;)
i love Celio's, Admin, Steven, POR, Copycat, and Steven. those are always in my decks, at least one of them.

and Holon Engine is beautiful, 3 basics to set up for a price of the supporter and a card? awesome.

Arcanine out.
Like I said yesterday. I run Bill's Maintanence for a reason. That reason is Deoxys. Since my decks has a lot of Deoxys and since their ability is worthless if the Deoxys you need is in your hand or in play I use Bill's Maintanence to get some new cards and if I have Deoxys in my hand I will bounce him back into the deck and use my in play Deoxys ability to make use of it.