ORAS Supposed Reddit Leak?


Miss Vaanjie
I saw a video on YouTube (Link below) that lead me to a supposed leak on Reddit! I thought it was interesting, and it could be real. There's a lot of things in there, but the link I've posted is a summary of all that's been mentioned. I personally don't hope it's fake, since there's a lot of things mentioned that I really want!

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOkCRuiXfaA
Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/2ix9jd/spoiler_summary_of_leaks/

- The demo is coming to America
- Mega Lunatone and Solrock with feature in the demo, and you receive one Megastone depending on the demo you get
- Mega Flygon and Jirachi are programmed in
- There are lots more megas that the leaker can not confirm just yet as they don't know 100%
- New Trick House is amazing
- Mega Milotic is a high-chance, with Water/Fairy and increased SpDef
- Shiftry, Ludicolo, Butterfree, Zangoose, Seviper, some more gen 5, Raticate, Torkoal, Slaking, Exploud, Tropius, Azumarill, Ninetales and Mightyena were all talked about as possible Megas sometime during development and may be in
- Luxray, Arcanine, Farfetch'd, Dragonite, Eelekross, Luvdisc, Linoone, Cincinno, Steelix, Raichu, Politoed, Gliscor, Weavile, Rotom, Bisharp and Walrein Megas have not been really discussed that the leaker has heard of
- Items (including Lunatone/Solrock megastone) will transfer to ORAS from Demo
- Johto starters back, but some people say they have megas and some don't
- Character customization back in Pokecentres. Pokecentre in CoroCoro was the Elite Four one possibly.
- Skintone back
- More diverse encounters, so more like XY variety
- Battle Frontier possibly back
- Groudon/Kyogre still version exclusive atm
- Contests revamped and very "beautiful"
- Contests staying a secret, apparently will be very surprising and amazing
- Canada will get demos
- Pentagon currently stands for all Gen 6 Pokemon now, not just Kalos born
- Move Tutors Back
- A lot more post-game
- Gym Leaders will get roster changes from their RSE counterparts
- No new double megas like Mewtwo/Charizard at this stage
- Safari Zone Updated
- Hoopa available, but unsure on Volcanion
- Has not heard of a Mega: Reuniclus, Staraptor, Torterra

So yeah, real or fake? :)
I'm pretty sure there's someone on 4chan who claims to have the same/similar information (but whereas the Reddit leaker got the information from her job, the 4chan user got the info through someone else).

I think they both confirmed that we'd get NA demo details on Monday, as well as 2 new Megas (most likely Beedrill and Pidgeot from CoroCoro). They also claimed that we'd see
Mega Flygon, as well as Mega Lunatone/Solrock from the demo
in the next 2 weeks. So if any of those don't happen then it automatically discredits both of them.

Aside from that, the leaks don't seem to be too bad. There's nothing that I wouldn't like to see on there and if all of these are true, then GF seems to be listening to fans. A lot of these things seem like they could be fan ideas (which is different from the infamous X/Y leak where the Fairy type was pretty much love it/hate it), which could be pointer to them being fake, but at the same time they are still in the realm of the 'I-wouldn't-be-surprised-if-GF-did-these' area.
steffenka said:
- Mega Milotic is a high-chance, with Water/Fairy and increased SpDef
- Johto starters back, but some people say they have megas and some don't
- Battle Frontier possibly back
Wow, what a confident "leaker"
His Goominess said:
I'm pretty sure there's someone on 4chan who claims to have the same/similar information (but whereas the Reddit leaker got the information from her job, the 4chan user got the info through someone else).

I think they both confirmed that we'd get NA demo details on Monday, as well as 2 new Megas (most likely Beedrill and Pidgeot from CoroCoro). They also claimed that we'd see
Mega Flygon, as well as Mega Lunatone/Solrock from the demo
in the next 2 weeks. So if any of those don't happen then it automatically discredits both of them.

Aside from that, the leaks don't seem to be too bad. There's nothing that I wouldn't like to see on there and if all of these are true, then GF seems to be listening to fans. A lot of these things seem like they could be fan ideas (which is different from the infamous X/Y leak where the Fairy type was pretty much love it/hate it), which could be pointer to them being fake, but at the same time they are still in the realm of the 'I-wouldn't-be-surprised-if-GF-did-these' area.

I completely agree with you and I'd really like to see all of the things mentioned too.

While reading through all the comments on the "non summary" post, it seems like she's gonna release more monday, and get
Concept arts of Mega Flygon out as well, which is described like this: Mega Flygon's wings and that little tripple tail thing at the end of it's tail become much more detailed and sharp. The tips of its "horns" get more color and design. The second concept art that I saw showed flygon with 4 wings instead of 2. I do not know if the 4 wings remained though.
But I think it's a pretty good idea to take it with a grain of salt, especially since it's been seen multiple places now, though the 4-chan could've just copy-pasted it all.
don()shinobi said:
steffenka said:
- Mega Milotic is a high-chance, with Water/Fairy and increased SpDef
- Johto starters back, but some people say they have megas and some don't
- Battle Frontier possibly back
Wow, what a confident "leaker"

all the 'possible/high chance' stuff are things that were apparently talked about whilst the game was in production, but the leaker can't verify if they're gonna be in the finalised game
I'm going to seriously be mad if Battle Frontier doesn't make it into the game, the Battle Tower by itself was garbage, as there was no incentive to battle or anything. I also really don't care about Mega Lunatone/Solrock, as both Pokemon are already pretty crappy (in-game and competitive). Mega Flygon...please Game Freak make sure you don't screw this up, Flygon is already pretty bad.
Sounds interesting... A lot of that stuff seems possible and not just crazy/absurb fan wishes... It actually makes sense the Mega Stones for Lunatone and Solrock being obtainable in the demo since the demo features Mossdeep City and the Space Center...
Much of those could have an actual evolution. :( Like I've said, Mega-evolution is now a "weapons race" that will end up with all Pokémon getting one. :rolleyes:
Honestly I'm really skeptical about this leak. The wording is all weird, and the amount of leaked Megas seems a bit ridiculous. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
This rumour/leak definitely contains many things I would like to see. Especially the list of Mega Pokémon sounds interesting. We'll be able to find out very soon whether it's true or false based on the Demo. There are a ton of rumours spreading all over the Internet for every game, so I'm not getting my hopes up just yet.
To me, the lack of confidence from the leaker is a sign that this is fake. While it would be cool I also doubt that Jirachi is getting one. Being a mythical pokemon, it doesn't need a mega at all.
Reggie McGigas said:
To me, the lack of confidence from the leaker is a sign that this is fake. While it would be cool I also doubt that Jirachi is getting one. Being a mythical pokemon, it doesn't need a mega at all.

While I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just thinking: Isn't Diancie a Mythical Pokemon as well, cause if that's the case, then it could technically happen
steffenka said:
Reggie McGigas said:
To me, the lack of confidence from the leaker is a sign that this is fake. While it would be cool I also doubt that Jirachi is getting one. Being a mythical pokemon, it doesn't need a mega at all.

While I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just thinking: Isn't Diancie a Mythical Pokemon as well, cause if that's the case, then it could technically happen

Diancie is being featured in a movie, so its kind of a different case.
But I do see what you mean.
Frankly, I see no reason to assume this is real whatsoever, there's so many problems with this rumor:

-They know waaay too much about this game. How did they leak so much information without getting caught? Also, some of these things wouldn't really be discussed outside of Japan.
-Too ambiguous. There's a lot of things being "talked about", but at this stage the game's content is probably mostly finalized.
-Lunatone/Solrock aren't really a good choice for the demo, they'd probably choose something more popular and marketable.
His Goominess said:
steffenka said:
While I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just thinking: Isn't Diancie a Mythical Pokemon as well, cause if that's the case, then it could technically happen

Diancie is being featured in a movie, so its kind of a different case.
But I do see what you mean.

Jirachi was featured in a movie to. I would be highly curious to see what Mega Jirachi would look like.
Equinox said:
His Goominess said:
Diancie is being featured in a movie, so its kind of a different case.
But I do see what you mean.

Jirachi was featured in a movie to. I would be highly curious to see what Mega Jirachi would look like.

What I meant is that Diancie is in an upcoming movie and so its Mega hypes that up and has relevance there, whereas Jirachi's movie has been and gone.

Regardless, I would really like to see a Mega Jirachi. Its always been one of my personal faves and I'd like to see the direction they take it in.
Seven is a Color said:
steffenka said:
- Pentagon currently stands for all Gen 6 Pokemon now, not just Kalos born
What does this mean? What "pentagon" are they talking about?

They're talking about the pentagon symbol that shows up next to your Pokemon when you catch it in XY (as opposed to the Poke Ball symbol that shows up on a Pokemon that you transferred via Bank).
Seven is a Color said:
steffenka said:
- Pentagon currently stands for all Gen 6 Pokemon now, not just Kalos born
What does this mean? What "pentagon" are they talking about?
The Youtuber released another video leading to a 4-chan thread, I don't know if it's the one mentioned by His Goominess, but it has a lot of Mega information, of course only if it's true :)

- Move Tutors make a return.
- More Mega Stone will also be available to find in the post-game. Some will be spread out across the Hoenn region and other will be found within the Battle Frontier Islands.
- Mega Pidgeot - Remains Normal/Flying type and gets the ability No Guard.
- Mega Fearow - Now a Dark/Flying type with a new ability called Destructed that turns Normal type moves into Dark type moves and gives a 30% attack boost to those moves.
- Mega Beedrill - Remains a Bug/Poison type and gets the ability Adaptability.
- Mega Butterfree - Becomes a Bug/Psychic type with the ability Levitate.
- Mega Nidoking - Remains a Poison/Ground type and gains the ability Moxie.
- Mega Nidoqueen - Remains a Poison/Ground type and gains the ability Regenerator.
- Mega Jynx - Remains an Ice/Psychic type and gains the ability Simple.
- Mega Mr. Mime - Remains a Psychic/Fairy type and gains the ability Prankster.
- Mega Meganium - Becomes a Grass/Dragon type and gains the ability Regenerator.
- Mega Typhlosion - Becomes a Fire/Fighting type and gains the ability No Guard.
- Mega Feraligatr - Remains a Water type and gains the ability Strong Jaw.
- Mega Slowking - Remains a Water/Psychic type and gains the ability Magic Guard.
- Mega Donphan - Remains a Ground type and gains the ability Huge Power. I can confirm it's attack stat does not raise when it Mega evolves however it does get boosts to its defensive stats and speed.
- Mega Dunsparce - Loses it's current typing all together and becomes a Fairy/Ground with the ability Serene Grace. Dunsparce gets the move Play Rough through Move Tutors.
- Mega Xatu - Remains a Psychic/Flying and gains the ability Magic Bounce.
- Mega Flygon - Remains a Ground/Dragon type and keeps the ability Levitate.
- Mega Delcatty - Becomes a Normal/Fairy type and gains the ability Pixilate.
- Mega Exploud - Remains a Normal type and gains the ability Scrappy.
- Mega Milotic - Becomes a Water/Fairy type and gains the ability Pixilate.
- Mega Luxray - Becomes an Electric/Dark type and gains the ability Strong Jaw.
- Mega Vespiquen - Remains a Bug/Flying type and gains the ability Aerilate.
- Mega Weavile - Remains an Ice/Dark type and gains the ability Serene Grace.
- Mega Electivire - Becomes an Electric/Fighting type and keeps the ability Motor Drive.
- Mega Magmortar - Becomes a Fire/Psychic type and keeps the ability Flame Body.

4-chan: http://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/21269040
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6n50xjbBAo

I don't know how I feel about this, cause it kinda contradicts the other "leak", with some of the Mega Evolutions. I might have missed something there, since I really have a hard time reading what it says.