Finished Survive the Evil Scientist's Maze! RIVER OF LAVA, TELL US THOU CODE!

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RE: Survive the Evil Scientist's Maze! Someone, state the code!

Since Grizz is still not here [maybe he need a replacement] we should put the plank of wood and cloth\rope[wich eaver works best] to make a splint. If we still have the cloth use the knife to cut it to stirps to use for badanges and give them to the doctor.
RE: Survive the Evil Scientist's Maze! Someone, state the code!

I think that I will replace Grizzly's role if he does not post within 2 days. Anyways, I'll let you use the cloth. Most was used up, but some was left (You have 2 bandages). You healed PokeChamp for 3 hitpoints, and he'll heal the rest at the end of the day (after the next event). He can slowly travel, but cannot perform any phsyical activities.

After getting the items and making the splint, the group decided to advance.

They came to a room with only a single panel. It has a riddle on it, that said, "I destroy mountains. I create life, and death. I can destroy everything but myself. You live only with me, but with only me around you you will die. I come in many forms. What am I?" The door next to it was locked. Apparently, you had to answer the riddle to get out. The door suddenly slammed shut behind them. They were trapped, at least for a little while.
RE: Survive the Evil Scientist's Maze! Someone, state the code!

Shoyru1444 said:
I think that I will replace Grizzly's role if he does not post within 2 days. Anyways, I'll let you use the cloth. Most was used up, but some was left (You have 2 bandages). You healed PokeChamp for 3 hitpoints, and he'll heal the rest at the end of the day (after the next event). He can slowly travel, but cannot perform any phsyical activities.

After getting the items and making the splint, the group decided to advance.

They came to a room with only a single panel. It has a riddle on it, that said, "I destroy mountains. I create life, and death. I can destroy everything but myself. You live only with me, but with only me around you you will die. I come in many forms. What am I?" The door next to it was locked. Apparently, you had to answer the riddle to get out. The door suddenly slammed shut behind them. They were trapped, at least for a little while.
*Pokenerd thinks he knows the anwser* Is it "time"? he asks the door.
RE: Survive the Evil Scientist's Maze! Someone, state the code!

There was a negative beeping noise. There seemed to be no consequence, until...

Pokenerd noticed that the ceiling had dropped down slightly. A voice called out, "Four more tries until you're flat as a pancake!" The voice cackled, then disappeared.
RE: Survive the Evil Scientist's Maze! Someone, state the code!

It could also, be water since it can weathermountains, all liffe on earth needs it to survive, but you can also drown. it can weather evrything but never gets ride of itself. and comes as a solid, liquid, and gas.

EDIT: If it is the only thing around you, you drown.
RE: Survive the Evil Scientist's Maze! Someone, state the code!

Candy: tell the door your anwser.

Also, if Candy's doesn't work, can Sonic Yellow smash through the door with his incredible strength?
RE: Survive the Evil Scientist's Maze! Someone, state the code!

No, sonic can't smash through the door. It is reinforced steel. =D

Also, how can you tell a door something? =P
RE: Survive the Evil Scientist's Maze! Someone, state the code!

Shoyru1444 said:
No, sonic can't smash through the door. It is reinforced steel. =D

Also, how can you tell a door something? =P

good point... since candy hasn't posted yet I think I know what it is.

"Is it God?" Pokenerd says
RE: Survive the Evil Scientist's Maze! Someone, state the code!

The beeping noise happened again and the ceiling lowered a bit more. "Three more tries, hee hee!" the voice called out.
RE: Survive the Evil Scientist's Maze! Someone, state the code!

:/ of course Sonic Yellow cant, only sonicyellow can :p

(no thats not my answer)

guys, we have to think carefully
RE: Survive the Evil Scientist's Maze! Someone, state the code!

Upon Commoncandy's answer, the ceiling lifted to its original position and the door opened. Past it was a hall. The group decided to rest here for the night.


RE: Survive the Evil Scientist's Maze! End Day 1!

Okay, here's what I plan...

All of the people were healed by the combination of medicine and rest. In the "morning"; no one could tell, without a sun or clock; they decided to advance through the maze. The splint had done its work, and PokeChamp's leg was fully healed.

There was a simple obstacle: A pit with some monkey bars going across it. At the bottom of the pit was a fog that concealed what was below. At the other end of the monkey bars the steel protruded about a foot past the edge of the pit. It would be perfect for grappling on.

What do you want to do?
RE: Survive the Evil Scientist's Maze! End Day 1!

Shoyru1444 said:
Okay, here's what I plan...

All of the people were healed by the combination of medicine and rest. In the "morning"; no one could tell, without a sun or clock; they decided to advance through the maze. The splint had done its work, and PokeChamp's leg was fully healed.

There was a simple obstacle: A pit with some monkey bars going across it. At the bottom of the pit was a fog that concealed what was below. At the other end of the monkey bars the steel protruded about a foot past the edge of the pit. It would be perfect for grappling on.

What do you want to do?
"Pokechamp, use your ability since it is Day 2. I don't want to be eaten by some demonic monster as we cross the monkey bars!" said pokenerd.
RE: Survive the Evil Scientist's Maze! Day 2 Start!

PokeChamp agreed to survey the area. "I agree, if some demonic monster is hidden, it wouldn't be good for us."

*Uses ability*
RE: Survive the Evil Scientist's Maze! Day 2 Start!

42 chocolate, hs not been on in 4 days, but we need his power to cross the monkey bars if it is safe.
RE: Survive the Evil Scientist's Maze! Day 2 Start!

42 Chocolate's ability only applies to him/herself. I will replace him/her in a few days.

PokeChamp's ability showed that there were no traps.
RE: Survive the Evil Scientist's Maze! Day 2 Start!

Grizz's replacment can make a grapling hook by takieng the rope off the splint and tying to a hammer. Then whoever has the ninja role can take the hammer side while someone else holds the rope side. Then the ninja person cilms over and hooks the hammer to the pole. After that someone ties the rope to one of the monkybars' rungs, so we can all take turns cilmbing across.
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