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Swampert / Primal Kyogre EX / Slurpuff

Bobby Malone

Aspiring Trainer
So I am now really starting to get into competitive TCG (I collected since I was little, but haven't gone competitive until now) and I wanted to try my hand at a deck, so here it is!

Pokemon: 19

  • 4x Mudkip
    2x Marshtomp
    4x Swampert Ancient Trait
    2x Swirlix
    2x Slurpuff (PHF)
    2x Primal Kyogre EX
    2x Kyogre EX
    1x Keldeo EX (BCR)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 27

  • 3x Professor Sycamore
    4x N
    3x Professor's Letter
    2x Pokemon Center Lady
    2x Rare Candy
    1x Weakness Policy
    3x Dive Ball
    2x Evo Soda
    1x Kyogre Spirit Link
    1x Lysandre's Trump Card
    2x Rough Seas
    2x Switch
    1x Scoop Up Cyclone (Ace Spec)
Energy: 14

  • 12x Water Energy
    2x DCE

Strategy: Pretty self explanatory. Slurpuff and Swampert for total deck control, Primal Kyogre and Swampert for heavy hitters, and the Keldeo for costless retreat. Rough seas acts to support the water types. Everything else is just fluff.

Like I said, this is my first deck, so I'd love some feedback. Thanks!
Bobby Malone said:
So I am now really starting to get into competitive TCG (I collected since I was little, but haven't gone competitive until now) and I wanted to try my hand at a deck, so here it is!

Pokemon: 19

  • 4x Mudkip
    2x Marshtomp
    4x Swampert Ancient Trait
    2x Swirlix
    2x Slurpuff (PHF)
    2x Primal Kyogre EX
    2x Kyogre EX
    1x Keldeo EX (BCR)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 27

  • 3x Professor Sycamore
    4x N
    3x Professor's Letter
    2x Pokemon Center Lady
    2x Rare Candy
    1x Weakness Policy
    3x Dive Ball
    2x Evo Soda
    1x Kyogre Spirit Link
    1x Lysandre's Trump Card
    2x Rough Seas
    2x Switch
    1x Scoop Up Cyclone (Ace Spec)
Energy: 14

  • 12x Water Energy
    2x DCE

Strategy: Pretty self explanatory. Slurpuff and Swampert for total deck control, Primal Kyogre and Swampert for heavy hitters, and the Keldeo for costless retreat. Rough seas acts to support the water types. Everything else is just fluff.

Like I said, this is my first deck, so I'd love some feedback. Thanks!
I had a similar idea, but I ditched it. I'm not saying it won't work, but it could possibly be inconsistent or hard to set up. You could remove 2 Swamperts or 1 and maybe replace the Marshtomps with Rare Candy. Also be aware that Silent Lab is a thing which can make Keldeo useless until a different stadium comes into play. Hope this helps
Swampert / Slurpuff and and Primal Kyogre are two separate decks. You should take out the Kyogre stuff for consistency or just build Kyogre.