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Swanna Deck (with Grass types)


Aspiring Trainer
Before I start, I am posting two decks. The first deck, is what I started off with. I really wanted to make an unplayable card work. What I chose, was Swanna. It was a mixed feeling of "This card blows" and "There's a promo Ducklett!". The second deck, is a fix on the first, after confirming that "This card blows" is an accurate statement. Here's the current list:

3-3 Swanna
2-2-2/1 Vileplume/Bellossom
2-2-2 Victreebel
2-2 Roserade
2 Cleffa
2 Magby

4 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Professor Juniper
2 Professor Elm
3 Pokemon Collector (Only have 3)
4 Pokemon Communication
2 Rare Candy (Only have 2)
1 Flower Shop Lady
1 Twins

7 Grass Energy
2 Water Energy
1 Psychic Energy
4 Rainbow Energy

The deck idea was simple yet complex. My idea was to set up Victreebel on the bench, Vileplume on the bench, Roserade on the bench, with Swanna active. Activate Roserade's Pokepower, Confusing and poisoning the active. Then, Use Swanna's attack to deal a quick 40 and switch it with Victreebel. Victreebel would lock the active in place with it's body, and become a later threat adding burn and poison to the mix. Vileplume is there to prevent playing Switch and other cards that would generally help in the situation.

Note: I had trouble finding 2 cards, and found Magby. Magby is interesting in that I don't see him popping up in too many decklists, and I feel as a Baby he is completely underrated. In a deck like this that inflicts Poison and Confusion easily, Burn is not something to overlook.

Ok so here's the results: In it's one game I played, I quickly noticed that, as expected, Swanna was a waste and an eyesore. I was happy to build a deck with it, but as I played the game I noticed things that I did not immediately realize. Firstly, Confusion overrides sleep. With an active Victreebel and Roserade inflicting it, Baby pokemon are stuck. Poison works in favor as well, knocking out Babies while promoting a new target during my own turn. I looked at what I was being presented with, and noticed that Vileplume aside, all attacks were 2 energy or less. So, here is what I now come up with. Please bear in mind I am of course building with what I have:

Pokemon: 27
2-2-2 Victreebel
2-2-2/1 Vileplume/Bellossom
3-3 Roserade
2-2 Yanmega Prime
1-1 Sunflora
2 Cleffa

T/S/S: 22
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Rare Candy
4 Judge
4 Copycat
4 Pokemon Communication
2 Professor Elm's Training Method
2 Professor Juniper

Energy: 12

4 Rainbow Energy
6 Grass Energy
2 Psychic

Other ideas I thought of include Muk and Leafeon.Both support the Special Conditions of this deck, and have low-energy attacks. I was also thinking of Ariados line as a 1-1 tech, giving Spinarak lock a whirl while providing damage output.

I included two new lines not in the previous version: Yanmega and Sunflora. With a straight grass deck, a 1-1 Sunflora should be sufficient but I could probably bump that to 2-2 to be on the safe side. I had 2 Yanmega Prime, and decided that a beginning tech that can take hits and allow me to set-up properly while sniping and hitting power would be advantageous. Copycat and Judge support Yanmega, but also give constant hand refresh too which is why they are in over PONT. I was iffy on Bellossom, but figured I would try it out for now, and if it doesn't work out I'll slip in a Tyrogue or Magby in it's place.

Here is the final list, that will be updated throughout fixes given in the thread:

Pokemon: 27
2-2-2 Vileplume
3-3 Roserade
2-2 Yanmega Prime
2-2 Sunflora
2-2 Slowbro (UD Slowpoke/HS Slowbro)
2 Cleffa
1 Shaymin

T/S/S: 22
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Rare Candy
4 Judge
3 Copycat
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Professor Elm's Training Method
2 Professor Juniper
2 Seeker

Energy: 12

3 Rainbow Energy
6 Grass Energy
3 Psychic
i really like the idea of this deck, i'd love to play it (i have the cards to make it :D )

My critique: FIRE! This deck is going to get messed up by reshiboar. :(

I hate to say it, but you dont want a poisoned or burned Reshiram... if is passes the confusion flip... say good by to anything in your deck. it takes at least 4-5 energy on roserade to kill it and then it gets something is going to kill it back after some poison or burn damage. You could use Slowbro HS, it can do 70 damage with one psychic and two of any other. That is 140 damage to any fire with a water weakness, it could be just what you need against fire, since you are already running psychic energy in the deck

my suggestions:

-1-1 Roserade
-1 Bellossom
-1 Gloom
-1 Weepinbell
- 2 judge
- 1 PETM
-1 rainbow

+ 1-1 Yanmega (prime)
+ 2-2 Slowbrow HS
+1 Interviewers Questions
+1 Rare Candy
+1 psychic energy
Interesting. I'm not sure how I feel about Slowbrow though, I'll have to try it.

The Yanmega though is completely out of the question- I only own 2, getting 3 right now is just too much of a bother. I'll try as much as I can to try those fixes though, Thanks!

As far as the fire comment- I ignore weakness when building decks. It's such a hinderance to build a deck with so many faults in mind. While yes, Fire beats it, not EVERY opponent will be a fire build. Plus I would play the game of conditions at that point. It's not unbeatable, but it will be an uphill battle.
I think you definately need at least 2-2 sunflora, it is what makes grass decks viable because it is so great.
I think I'm going to keep the 3-3 Roserade Line, as it's such a staple part of the deck that causes the MOST disruption.

I will drop the Weepinbell, Gloom, and Bellossom for another 1-1 Sunflora, and a Psychic Energy (for now).

As for for Slowbro, I'm not too sure what I could take out that wouldn't break up consistency. Any suggestions?
roserade is a great card, and i can understand keepin in 3-3 line.

if you are going to put in a second sunflora, you could EASILY search out a Shaymin UL to power up the Slowbro in one turn

I would say, stick with if you're going to go that route, what with shaymin, you could take out the Victribell line completely... without swanna's switching attack, it doesnt trap as well. If the opponent leaves something in on their turn with heavy status, they have probably deemed it expendable. Your already making them waste resources by retreating or switching, and playing judge will be very disrupting after you set up sunflora, cause you can still find your own pokemon. I dont think its necessary to actually trap the opponent. That would make room for 2-2 slowbro to combat fire and a shaymin to power it up with energy from perhaps roserade. The problem then would be the need to seeker (or maybe a second shaymin) to reuse its power.

I love Vitreebell, LOVE IT, but without a attacking switcher (Granbull? for RDL?) I dont think its trapping power works for the deck anymore.

-2-1-2 Vitreebell
+1 Shaymin
+ 2-2 Slowbro
+2 Seeker

but i dont know what to take out for the seekers, given the amount of grass in the deck, you might can go a little easier on trainers that function as poke-search, because sunflora will be helping out ALOT there.
So you're saying, let's say this is the decklist:

Pokemon: 27
2-2-2 Vileplume
3-3 Roserade
2-2 Yanmega Prime
2-2 Sunflora
2-2 Slowbro (UD Slowpoke/HS Slowbro)
2 Cleffa
1 Shaymin

T/S/S: 22
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Rare Candy
4 Judge
3 Copycat
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Professor Elm's Training Method
2 Professor Juniper
2 Seeker

Energy: 12

3 Rainbow Energy
6 Grass Energy
3 Psychic

Like that?

n1ght123 said:
you could try metapod to get rid of weakness on grass type pokemon

Metapod is too much of a liability. It's a target for Pokemon Catcher/Reversal, and takes up a benchspace. If I was running Jumpluff, sure, but right now I need my benchspace to be active participants in the game or be a set-up towards one. Not much I could take out for a 1-1 Defensive tech.
^plus, even with metapod, alot of this deck gets one-shoted by fire pokes anyway.

That deck-list looks okay. It seems heavy on pokemon, but you have Sunflora for search, and vileplume locks trainers, to hopefully slow your opponent down.

Do you think the deck 'needs' cleffa? not every deck does.
Minty88 said:
^plus, even with metapod, alot of this deck gets one-shoted by fire pokes anyway.

That deck-list looks okay. It seems heavy on pokemon, but you have Sunflora for search, and vileplume locks trainers, to hopefully slow your opponent down.

Do you think the deck 'needs' cleffa? not every deck does.

How do you think Magby would do in it's place, or Smoochum?