DPPt/HGSS Sweeney/Esperbeam's Player Thread


Aspiring Trainer
Hello All! Here's my basic info....i don't want to list every pokemon I have available right now, but I'll list some that may be of interest to people for trades and whatnot. As for battles, I will battle for fun, but I don't get too crazy about having the most elite team there (For example I love mantine so I use one haha)

**Also....ALL, and i mean ALL..of my pokemon are legit...so please no fakes or clones**

****SLIGHT UPDATE*********************** (9-13-08)


My Friend Code: 0731-2970-9651
Contact Time: It's variable.


POKEMON FOR TRADE====================
***I can breed a lot of pokemon as I have many types in my boxes, but I don't want to list them all out right now haha, so ask me about some if you like***

* PBR Pikachu with Surf and Volt Tackle, untouched, level 10
* Charmander
* Bulbasaur
* Squirtle
* Torchic
* Mudkip
* Beldum
* Feebas
* Igglybuff
* Growlithe
* Scyther
* Combee
* Leafeon
* Eevee
* Dialga
* Uxie
* Mesprit
* Azelf
* all three legendary birds
* Cherubi
* Larvitar
* Deoxys
* Manaphy
* Jirachi
* Phione
* Celebi
****SHINY adamant Raticate(truly legit..just ran into it one day without trying)

and that's just a few for now...I'll edit this later to be more comprehensive.

POKEMON I WANT=======================

* MAWILE!! I really want a Mawile
* chikorita family
* Flygon
* Typhlosion family
* Politoed
* Shiftry family
* Tropius

that's all I can think of for now, but I'm open for suggestions.

Again, I have a lot more pokemon available to me than I have listed, so just ask me if you think I have it. the games I have are leafgreen, sapphire, PBR, and diamond...so you know where I draw my pokemon from.

Anyway, PM me or whatnot! See my Sig! Thanks!
serebii1997...what kind of trade do you have in mind for the sneasel? the pokemon at the top of my list would be jirachi if you have it and are willing.

furroshi...i think im going to ask for a legendary or event for the pbr pikachu since only one is available to me from my PBR game. got any of those?
i'll the kabutops lv.100, a heatran lv.80, registeel lv.40, and rayquaza lv.100 holding trick room and 2 masterballs cloned on emerald for pbr pikachu
I've got (or can breed):
* Spheal (Male-w/Ice Ball)
* Totodile (w/Ice Punch)
* Aipom
* Kabuto
My: Totodile/Jirachi

Your: Shiny Barboach

dmaster out.
sorry cyborg, i cant give it away for zangoose. thanks anyway though

dmaster, i am good with that trade. is your jirachi legit? thanks
i can do that trade. is your zangoose legit?

i will have a newly hatched level 1 growlithe for you. when is a good time to make the trade?
Light Venusaur said:
I've got (or can breed):
* Spheal (Male-w/Ice Ball)
* Totodile (w/Ice Punch)
* Aipom
* Kabuto
*Jirachi (New, I forgot to add it to the list-100% legit from Pokémon: Channel)
* Zangoose
* Teddiursa (just need to breed my Ursaring)
I can also get any Japanese Breedable one's also.

I'd like:
Umbreon or your Shiny Barboch.
LV....I would like to trade for your Jirachi. I can trade you the barboach for jirachi, if that works for you. some others said they want it but i guess the early bird gets the worm!

so your jirachi for my shiny barboach? anything else you want for a teddiursa and totodile?
It's legit, but it'll take a while to get it. Maybe 2-3 days at most.

dmaster out.
Esperbeam said:
LV....I would like to trade for your Jirachi. I can trade you the barboach for jirachi, if that works for you. some others said they want it but i guess the early bird gets the worm!

so your jirachi for my shiny barboach? anything else you want for a teddiursa and totodile?

How about Umbreon for both of them?